Acta Arithmetica

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the torsion of the Jacobians of the hyperelliptic curves $y^{2}=x^{n}+a$ and $y^{2}=x(x^{n}+a)$2016/01/01English
On square classes in generalized Fibonacci sequences2016/01/01English
La conjecture de Manin pour certaines surfaces de Châtelet2016/01/01English
Polynomials meeting Ax’s bound2016/01/01English
$S$-exponential numbers2016/01/01English
Additive problems with smooth integers2016/01/01English
Distribution of values at 1 of symmetric power $L$-functions of Maass cusp forms2016/01/01English
Covering systems with large moduli associated with reducible shifts of integer polynomials2023/01/01English
On interpolated multiple $L$-values2023/01/01English
The large sieve for self-dual Eisenstein series of varying levels2024/01/01English
An omega-result for Beurling generalized integers2024/01/01English
Conditional lower bounds on the distribution of central values in families of $L$-functions2024/01/01English
On $d$-complete sequences modulo $l$2024/01/01English
Effective $S$-unit equations beyond three terms: Newman’s Conjecture2024/01/01English
Two problems on the greatest prime factor of $n^2+1$2024/01/01English
On a Kurzweil type theorem via ubiquity2024/01/01English
Bogomolov property of some infinite nonabelian extensions of a totally $v$-adic field2024/01/01English
The non-$p$-part of the fine Selmer group in a $\mathbb Z_p$-extension2024/01/01English
Number of integers represented by families of binary forms (II): binomial forms2024/01/01English
Correlation and lower bounds of arithmetic expressions2024/01/01English
Character sums and the Riemann Hypothesis2024/01/01English
Newton polygons and the constant associated with the Prouhet–Tarry–Escott problem2024/01/01English
On the solutions of $x^p+y^p=2^rz^p$, $x^p+y^p=z^2$ over totally real fields2024/01/01English
The computation of $\mathrm{Gal}(k^\infty /k)$ for some complex quadratic number fields $k$2024/01/01English
Factorial-type recurrence relations and $p$-adic incomplete gamma functions2024/01/01English
On additive and multiplicative decompositions of sets of integers composed from a given set of primes, II (Multiplicative decompositions)2023/01/01English
The irrationality of a divisor function series of Erdős and Kac2023/01/01English
An asymptotic version of Cobham’s theorem2023/01/01English
Powers from products of terms in progressions with gaps2023/01/01English
Multiple zeta functions at regular integer points2024/01/01English