Acta Arithmetica

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Three additive cubic equations1991/01/01English
Matrizen mit einem über Q irreduziblen charakteristischen Polynom und die Dimension des Vektorraums der Spitzenformen zur Modulgruppe n-ten Grades und Stufe q>2.1991/01/01English
Sur la norme du groupe des unités d'extensions quadratiques relatives1992/01/01English
Reducibility of lacunary polynomials, XI1991/01/01English
On x³ + y³ + z³ = 3μxyz and Jacobi polynomials1994/01/01English
A note on some expansions of p-adic functions1992/01/01English
Sums of distinct squares1994/01/01English
On the Brauer–Manin obstruction for degree-four del Pezzo surfaces2016/01/01English
Effective approximation and Diophantine applications2017/01/01English
On the factorization of the discriminant of a classical modular equation2017/01/01English
The logarithm of irrational numbers and Beatty sequences2017/01/01English
On the Hausdorff dimension faithfulness of Oppenheim expansion2017/01/01English
An example of a $\mathop {\rm PSL}\nolimits _2(\mathbb {F}_7)$-maximal unramified extension of a quartic number field2017/01/01English
An explicit construction for unramified quadratic extensions of biquadratic fields2017/01/01English
Normal regular Hermitian lattices over imaginary quadratic fields2017/01/01English
Induced random $\beta $-transformation2017/01/01English
Non-real poles on the axis of absolute convergence of the zeta functions associated to Pascal’s triangle modulo a prime2017/01/01English
On a problem of Sidon for polynomials over finite fields2016/01/01English
Sets of recurrence as bases for the positive integers2016/01/01English
The circular units and the Stickelberger ideal of a cyclotomic field revisited2016/01/01English
Chen primes in arithmetic progressions2018/01/01English
A polynomial method approach to zero-sum subsets in $\mathbb {F}_{p}^{2}$2018/01/01English
Sur un système linéaire de Terjanian2018/01/01English
On the congruence $f(x)+g(y)+c\equiv 0\ ({\rm mod}\ xy)$, II (the quadratic case)2018/01/01English
Lang’s conjecture and sharp height estimates for the elliptic curves $y^{2}=x^{3}+b$2016/01/01English
Counting elliptic curves of bounded Faltings height2016/01/01English
On the subset sums of exponential type sequences2016/01/01English
Obstruction sets and extensions of groups2016/01/01English
On a generalization of the Beiter Conjecture2016/01/01English
Exotic Bailey–Slater spt-functions III: Bailey pairs from groups B, F, G, and J2016/01/01English