Systems of bihomogeneous forms of small bidegree | 2024/01/01 | English | |
Points de hauteur bornée sur les hypersurfaces lisses des variétés toriques | 2016/01/01 | English | |
Nonlinear twists and moments of $L$-functions | 2024/01/01 | English | |
Lagrange-like spectrum of perfect additive complements | 2024/01/01 | English | |
Cyclotomic valuation of $q$-Pochhammer symbols and $q$-integrality of basic hypergeometric series | 2024/01/01 | English | |
Polynomial moments with a weighted zeta square measure on the critical line | 2024/01/01 | English | |
On $d$-complete sequences of integers, II | 2023/01/01 | English | |
Hermite equivalence of polynomials | 2023/01/01 | English | |
A connection between uniqueness of the Riemann zeta function and the Riemann hypothesis and beyond | 2023/01/01 | English | |
Multiplicative complements I | 2023/01/01 | English | |
Transcendence and continued fraction expansion
of values of Hecke–Mahler series | 2023/01/01 | English | |
On sums of fractional parts | 2023/01/01 | English | |
Some remarks on the reduction map for Drinfeld modules | 2023/01/01 | English | |
Correspondance de Langlands locale $p$-adique
et anneaux de Kisin | 2023/01/01 | English | |
Ultra-short sums of trace functions | 2023/01/01 | English | |
Diophantine approximation with constraints | 2023/01/01 | English | |
Another Waring–Goldbach problem | 2023/01/01 | English | |
Zeta functions of quadratic Artin–Schreier curves in characteristic two | 2023/01/01 | English | |
The Hausdorff and packing measure of some digital expansions | 2022/01/01 | English | |
Formulas for moments of class numbers in arithmetic progressions | 2023/01/01 | English | |
The first moment of quadratic twists of modular $L$-functions | 2022/01/01 | English | |
On a general density theorem | 2024/01/01 | English | |
An unconditional Montgomery theorem for
pair correlation of zeros of the Riemann zeta-function | 2024/01/01 | English | |
Local conductor bounds for modular abelian varieties | 2024/01/01 | English | |
Certain Diophantine equations and new parity results for 21-regular partitions | 2023/01/01 | English | |
On the Pythagoras number of the simplest cubic fields | 2023/01/01 | English | |
Elementary methods in the study of
the Deuring–Heilbronn phenomenon | 2023/01/01 | English | |
Orders with few rational monogenizations | 2023/01/01 | English | |
Solution to a problem of Luca, Menares and Pizarro-Madariaga | 2023/01/01 | English | |
Hyperbolic summation for fractional sums | 2023/01/01 | English | |