The International Journal of Human Resource Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Too smart for their own good? A study of perceived cognitive overqualification in the workforce2008/02/01English103
The impact of HR practices, HR effectiveness and a ‘strong HR system’ on organisational outcomes: a stakeholder perspective2011/04/01English103
Flexpatriate assignments: a neglected issue in global staffing2004/12/01English102
Toward an assessment of perceived HRM system strength: scale development and validation2012/04/01English102
High-involvement work systems and performance outcomes: the strength of variable, contingent and context-bound relationships2001/01/01English102
The international business traveller: a neglected but strategic human resource2007/02/01English102
Strategic HRM in North America: looking to the future2008/08/01English101
The effects of employee engagement and self-efficacy on job performance: a longitudinal field study2016/10/24English101
Human resource management, strategic involvement and e-HRM technology2015/12/10English101
Influence of high performance work systems on employee subjective well-being and job burnout: empirical evidence from the Chinese healthcare sector2014/01/16English101
Correlates and consequences of high involvement work practices: the role of competitive strategy2002/01/01English101
The effects of high-performance work systems on hospital employees' work attitudes and intention to leave: a multi-level and occupational group analysis2013/09/01English100
The organizational career: not dead but in need of redefinition2013/02/01English100
Trust, individualism and job characteristics as predictors of employee preference for teamwork2003/02/01English100
Career fields: a small step towards a grand career theory?2003/08/01English100
Antecedents and consequences of the perceived adjustment of Japanese expatriates in the USA2002/01/01English100
Commitment-based HR practices, different types of innovation activities and firm innovation performance2013/01/01English100
Pride, prejudice and performance: relations between HRM, diversity and performance2001/01/01English100
Expanding the resource based view model of strategic human resource management2020/01/10English99
Supportive work–family environments: implications for work–family conflict and well-being2013/05/16English99
Associations between perceived employability, employee well-being, and its contribution to organizational success: a matter of psychological contracts?2011/04/01English99
Gender and management on Spanish SMEs: an empirical analysis2011/08/01English98
Generations at work: are there differences and do they matter?2011/05/01English98
HRM in turbulent times: how to achieve organizational agility?2012/07/06English98
Managing aging workers: a mixed methods study on bundles of HR practices for aging workers2014/01/14English98
Human resource management in Europe: evidence from ten countries1992/12/01English98
Global staffing: a review and thematic research agenda2009/06/01English98
Human resource management with ‘Asian’ characteristics: a hybrid people-management system in East Asia2007/05/01English97
High-involvement practices and performance of French firms2004/12/01English97
How culture-sensitive is HRM? A comparative analysis of practice in Chinese and UK companies1995/02/01English97