The International Journal of Human Resource Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The moderating effect of ‘Green’ HRM on the association between proactive environmental management and financial performance in small firms2015/08/06English142
Why work–life balance now?2007/03/01English141
The effect of human resource management practices on firm performance in Russia2000/01/01English139
Human resource management: when research confronts theory2001/01/01English139
Gender and human resource management in the Middle East2007/01/01English138
Adopting a common corporate language: IHRM implications1999/01/01English138
Trust in the employer: the role of high-involvement work practices and procedural justice in European organizations2011/03/01English135
Challenges for the boundaryless career odyssey2003/08/01English135
Strategic human resource management: integrating the universalistic, contingent, configurational and contextual perspectives2005/05/01English135
Expatriate staffing in foreign subsidiaries of Japanese multinational corporations in the PRC and the United States2000/01/01English133
Achievements and challenges for work/life balance strategies in Australian organizations2005/01/01English133
The antecedents of employee commitment to customer service: evidence from a UK1997/01/01English132
Human resource management and performance: lessons from the Netherlands2001/01/01English131
HRM in the SME sector: valuable employees and coercive networks2005/11/01English131
Convergence or divergence: human resource practices and policies for competitive advantage worldwide1994/05/01English130
Integrating strategic human capital and strategic human resource management2017/10/05English128
Cross-cultural adjustment of expatriates in Japan2008/09/01English128
Corporate environmental responsibility, employer reputation and employee commitment: an empirical study in developed and emerging economies2013/11/15English128
Innovative human resource practices and organizational commitment: an empirical investigation2003/03/01English128
Human resource practices and firm performance of multinational corporations: influences of country origin1998/01/01English127
Antecedents of organizational identification in multinational corporations: fostering psychological attachment to the local subsidiary and the global organization2001/01/01English127
Assessing the team environment for knowledge sharing: an empirical analysis2003/11/01English126
The relationship between expatriates' personality traits and their adjustment to international assignments2005/09/01English126
Strategic segmentation in front-line services: matching customers, employees and human resource systems2000/01/01English126
Electronic Human Resource Management: challenges in the digital era2009/03/01English126
Attribution theories in Human Resource Management research: a review and research agenda2017/09/20English125
Testing a new measure of work–life balance: a study of parent and non-parent employees from New Zealand2013/10/01English125
Global diversity management: towards a conceptual framework2007/11/01English125
Cultural distance, expatriate staffing and subsidiary performance: The case of US subsidiaries of multinational corporations2008/02/01English124
Transferring human resource practices from the United Kingdom to China: the limits and potential for convergence2003/05/01English124