The International Journal of Human Resource Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Employee engagement, organisational performance and individual well-being: exploring the evidence, developing the theory2013/05/24English123
Why do they go? Individual and corporate perspectives on the factors influencing the decision to accept an international assignment2008/04/01English123
Work–life balance: a longitudinal evaluation of a new measure across Australia and New Zealand workers2014/03/31English122
Human resource management and knowledge management: enhancing knowledge sharing in a pharmaceutical company2003/09/01English121
The role of human resource practices in petro-chemical refinery performance1999/01/01English121
Using job embeddedness factors to explain voluntary turnover in four European countries2008/09/01English120
Work engagement as a mediator between employee attitudes and outcomes2013/02/07English120
Learning organization and work engagement: the mediating role of employee resilience2017/10/28English119
International HRM: national business systems, organizational politics and the international division of labour in MNCs2005/01/01English119
Human resource management systems and organizational performance: a test of a mediating model in the Greek manufacturing context2006/07/01English118
Strategic HRM as process: how HR system and organizational climate strength influence Chinese employee attitudes2011/05/01English118
Climate for conflict management, exposure to workplace bullying and work engagement: a moderated mediation analysis2016/04/15English118
Work enrichment and employee voice in human resource management-performance studies2007/07/01English118
Intercultural competence and expatriates1990/12/01English117
The use of the psychological contract to explain turnover intentions in the hospitality industry: a research study on the impact of gender on the turnover intentions of highly educated employees2010/01/01English117
Electronic HRM: four decades of research on adoption and consequences2016/11/06English117
The impact of employee perceptions of training on organizational commitment and turnover intentions: a study of multinationals in the Chinese service sector2011/04/01English117
Work role stressors and turnover intentions: a study of professional clergy in Hong Kong2005/11/01English116
The gender diversity–performance relationship in services and manufacturing organizations2011/04/01English116
It's a small world:managing human resources in small businesses1996/02/01English115
Exploring the effects of high-performance work systems (HPWS) on the work-related well-being of Chinese hospital employees2013/09/01English115
Business strategy, human resources, labour market flexibility and competitive advantage2005/03/01English115
Feeling lonely at work: investigating the consequences of unsatisfactory workplace relationships2012/11/01English115
Beyond managerialism?2010/05/01English114
Managing human resource for competitive advantage: a study of companies in Singapore2000/01/01English114
British trade unions and social partnership: rhetoric, reality and strategy1998/01/01English114
A resource-based view of human resource management and organizational capabilities development2002/01/01English114
On the shoulders of giants: a meta-review of strategic human resource management2017/10/24English114
Management and employee involvement in achieving an environmental action-based competitive advantage: an empirical study2007/04/01English113
Human resource management and the performance of Western firms in China2002/01/01English113