Mathematische Zeitschrift

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Dual canonical bases, quantum shuffles and q -characters2004/04/0148
A Sobolev mapping property of the Bergman kernel2000/09/0147
Evolution of convex hypersurfaces by powers of the mean curvature2005/10/04English46
Homoclinic solutions of an infinite-dimensional Hamiltonian system2002/06/0146
A remark on the C 2-cofiniteness condition on vertex algebras2010/11/20English46
Quasiconformal and harmonic mappings between Jordan domains2007/11/01English45
Rigidity of shrinking Ricci solitons2010/07/02English45
Sums of squares on real algebraic curves2003/12/0144
A priori bounds and a Liouville theorem on a half-space for higher-order elliptic Dirichlet problems2008/04/10English44
Global existence of null-form wave equations in exterior domains2007/01/06English44
Lp-maximal regularity for second order Cauchy problems2005/10/04English43
Finding Einstein solvmanifolds by a variational method2002/09/01English43
Overdetermined problems with possibly degenerate ellipticity, a geometric approach2006/03/14English43
Decay rate for the incompressible flows in half spaces2001/12/01English42
Depth and regularity of powers of sums of ideals2015/11/12English42
A Moser-Trudinger inequality on the boundary of a compact Riemann surface2005/01/07English42
Projective representations of symmetric groups via Sergeev duality2002/01/0142
The small-convection limit in a two-dimensional chemotaxis-Navier–Stokes system2017/10/09English42
Endpoint bilinear restriction theorems for the cone, and some sharp null form estimates2001/10/0141
Nearly tight frames and space-frequency analysis on compact manifolds2008/08/16English41
Coherent orientations in symplectic field theory2004/03/19English40
End-point maximal regularity and its application to two-dimensional Keller–Segel system2009/02/14English40
Some characterizations of domination2009/03/06English39
Primes dividing the degrees of the real characters2007/09/25English39
The spin $^{\bf c}$ Dirac operator on high tensor powers of a line bundle2002/07/0139
Lyapunov functions and convergence to steady state for differential equations of fractional order2007/07/31English39
Centers of F-purity2009/04/30English39
Remarks on Gagliardo–Nirenberg type inequality with critical Sobolev space and BMO2007/10/13English38
The structure of F-pure rings2005/04/15English38
Generalizing the notion of Koszul algebra2007/10/31English38