Mathematische Zeitschrift

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Atomic and molecular decompositions of anisotropic Besov spaces2005/04/15English65
Energy decay for the linear and semilinear wave equations in exterior domains with some localized dissipations2001/12/0164
A Riemann–Roch theorem in tropical geometry2007/07/19English64
Negative K-theory of derived categories2006/02/16English63
Biharmonic maps from R 4 into a Riemannian manifold2004/05/0161
Classifying $$\tau $$ τ -tilting modules over preprojective algebras of Dynkin type2014/01/12English60
Continuous wavelets on compact manifolds2008/08/16English60
Some functional forms of Blaschke–Santaló inequality2006/12/19English60
First steps in tropical intersection theory2009/02/14English60
Spectral properties and asymptotic periodicity of flows in networks2004/07/09English58
Sobolev spaces, Laplacian, and heat kernel on Alexandrov spaces2001/10/0157
Modulus and the Poincar� inequality on metric measure spaces2003/10/0157
Topological hypercovers and 1 -realizations2004/04/0156
Harnack inequality for some classes of Markov processes2004/01/0156
The Fujita–Kato approach to the Navier–Stokes equations in the rotational framework2009/05/06English55
Nikulin involutions on K3 surfaces2006/11/04English54
K3 surfaces with non-symplectic automorphisms of prime order2010/03/11English54
Morita equivalences of Ariki-Koike algebras2002/07/0154
The classification of p-local finite groups over the extraspecial group of order p3 and exponent p2004/03/19English53
Multi-peak solutions for the Hénon equation with slightly subcritical growth2006/12/12English53
Classification of solutions to the higher order Liouville’s equation on $${\mathbb{R}^{2m}}$$2008/09/12English52
A $$\mathbb{Z}_{2}$$ -orbifold model of the symplectic fermionic vertex operator superalgebra2006/11/03English52
Pinned distance sets, k-simplices, Wolff’s exponent in finite fields and sum-product estimates2011/03/22English51
The Degasperis–Procesi equation as a non-metric Euler equation2010/09/28English50
Sobolev spaces adapted to the Schrödinger operator with inverse-square potential2017/10/07English50
A local Steiner?type formula for general closed sets and applications2004/01/0149
Amenability and weak amenability of the Fourier algebra2005/04/15English49
Double phase problems with competing potentials: concentration and multiplication of ground states2022/05/29English49
Kaplansky classes and derived categories2007/04/06English48
Singularities of maximal surfaces2007/10/05English48