Mathematische Zeitschrift

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Geometric parametrization of valuations on a polynomial ring in one variable2023/07/12English
Espaces de Berkovich sur $${\mathbb {Z}}$$: morphismes étales2023/07/27English
Berkovich dynamics of Newton maps2023/07/28English
Adapted differentials as a qfh-sheaf2023/07/28English
On Lelong numbers of generalized Monge–Ampère products2023/06/28English
Relative perfect complexes2023/06/15English
Nodal quintic del Pezzo threefolds and their derived categories2023/06/30English
Intersection theory on moduli of smooth complete intersections2023/06/13English
Typical coexistence of infinitely many strange attractors2023/01/04English
Fiber-full modules and a local freeness criterion for local cohomology modules2023/01/02English
On automorphisms of undirected Bruhat graphs2023/01/03English
On CM masses over global function fields2023/01/02English
Automorphisms of finite order, periodic contractions, and Poisson-commutative subalgebras of $${\mathcal {S}}({\mathfrak g})$$2023/01/30English
Ext-multiplicity theorem for standard representations of $$(\textrm{GL}_{n+1},\textrm{GL}_n)$$2023/01/17English
Estimating the set of bifurcation values of a smooth function2023/01/19English
On the Hessian-cscK equations2023/01/04English
Simples in a cotilting heart2024/04/13English
Shape optimization for combinations of Steklov eigenvalues on Riemannian surfaces2024/04/15English
On multipliers into martingale $$SL^\infty $$ spaces for arbitrary filtrations2024/04/21English
Bott vanishing for Fano threefolds2024/04/20English
Refinements to the prime number theorem for arithmetic progressions2024/02/20English
Relative left Bongartz completions and their compatibility with mutations2023/09/26English
Equivariant formality of corank-one isotropy actions and products of rational spheres2023/09/15English
Four-dimensional complete gradient shrinking Ricci solitons with half positive isotropic curvature2023/09/23English
Bergman projection and BMO in hyperbolic metric: improvement of classical result2023/09/09English
Endpoint sparse domination for classes of multiplier transformations2023/08/25English
Characterizations of higher rank hyperbolicity2023/08/25English
Real-variable characterizations and their applications of matrix-weighted Besov spaces on spaces of homogeneous type2023/08/28English
Dense forests constructed from grids2023/08/28English
The grand arc graph2023/09/12English