Total Quality Science

Title Publication Date Language Citations
<b>A Study on User Satisfaction with an Entire Operation Including </b><b>Indefinite-Length Response Time </b>2016/01/01English
<b>Process Diagnosis in Healthcare: The Quality Management Approach </b>2016/01/01English
A Study on Planning and Evaluation of Disaster Exercise Based on Disaster Records2021/12/28English
Measurement Precision with Ordinal Categorical Data considering Dose-response Relationships2021/12/28English
A comparison of MT and RT methods for missing data analysis methods2021/12/28English
Imputation Method for Missing Values Considering Temperature Fluctuations with High Locality2021/12/28English
<b>Prediction of Influenza Outbreaks Using Pharmacy Sales Data</b>2020/03/05English
<b>Proposal for a new single imputation method using Taguchi’s T-method</b>2020/03/05English
Setting Control Limits in a Multivariate Exponentially Weighted Moving Likelihood Control Chart2021/10/14English
A study on promotion method of effective initiatives for establishment of the Integrated Community Care System2021/10/14English
Optimal Maintenance Policy for Deteriorating Systems Subject to External Shock Damage Under a Semi-Markov Decision Process2023/12/01English
A Semi-Supervised Learning Model for Predicting User Attributes Based on Ladder Network2023/12/01English
Differences in the Understanding of Environmentally Conscious Behavior between Companies and Consumers2023/12/01English
Using Image Data for Machine Learning-Based Defect Detection2023/12/01English
A Method to Improve Serendipity of Recommendation Lists Based on Collaborative Metric Learning2023/12/01English
A Prediction Model of Runs Allowed Based on Latent-Class Markov Chain for Starters of Professional Baseball Pitchers2022/02/20English
Threshold policy of condition-based maintenance for a multi-state system and deteriorating sensor2022/02/20English
Statistical analysis and prediction in American football2022/02/20English
Verification of an Individual Training System in Blood Collection through Data Acquisition and Analysis2022/02/20English
<b>Evaluation on alias relations between main effect and interaction in Plackett Burman design (N=20) and its application to guide assignments</b>2020/01/25English
Construction of Fractional Factorial Design Considering Accuracy and Robustness in the Estimation of Main Effects2021/01/27English
A Stochastic Degradation Model Based on the Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution2021/01/27English
A research on application of inverse estimation by Gaussian process regression to computer experiments2021/01/27English
<b>A Study on the Swiss Draw Style Tournament System Reflecting Game Results and Their Content</b>2019/09/30English
<b>Quality Control for Private Statistics about the Estimated Scale of the Foodservice Market</b>2019/09/30English
<b>A Study of Feature Clustering Analysis based on the Hidden Layer Representation of an Autoencoder</b>2019/09/30English
<b>Analytical Model of Customer Purchase Behavior Considering Page Transitions on EC Site</b>2019/09/30English
<b>Proposal for a univariate time series analysis method based on Taguchi’s T - method</b>2019/09/30English
<b>Optimal policy for periodic inspections with flexible imperfect inspection frequencies</b>2019/07/31English
<b>A study on risk assessment and countermeasures planning in hospitals during a disaster</b>2019/07/31English