Computer Assisted Language Learning

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Technologies for foreign language learning: a review of technology types and their effectiveness2012/09/03English340
Flipping the classroom for English language learners to foster active learning2014/10/13English299
Using the flipped classroom to enhance EFL learning2016/02/15English188
Self-regulated out-of-class language learning with technology2011/06/24English151
New skills for new classrooms: Training tutors to teach languages online2005/10/01English134
Developing collaborative autonomous learning abilities in computer mediated language learning: attention to meaning among students in wiki space2010/02/01English126
Flipped classroom in English language teaching: a systematic review2019/02/26English124
Language learning motivation, self and identity: current theoretical perspectives2011/06/16English123
Computer-mediated glosses in second language reading comprehension and vocabulary learning: A meta-analysis2008/05/29English118
Adventures in the blogosphere: from blog readers to blog writers2008/02/01English104
Mobile-assisted ESL/EFL vocabulary learning: a systematic review and meta-analysis2019/01/16English103
Review of research on mobile language learning in authentic environments2017/04/10English101
Preparing language teachers to teach language online: a look at skills, roles, and responsibilities2009/02/01English97
Critical issues in telecollaborative task design2009/04/01English95
Patterns of computer-mediated interaction in small writing groups using wikis2013/02/01English95
Effects of Web-based Concordancing Instruction on EFL Students' Learning of Verb – Noun Collocations2005/07/01English92
MALL: the pedagogical challenges2014/05/14English91
Digital game-based vocabulary learning: where are we and where are we going?2019/07/25English91
Vocabulary on the move: Investigating an intelligent mobile phone-based vocabulary tutor2007/10/01English91
English as a foreign language learners’ perception of mobile assisted language learning: a cross-national study2013/07/01English88
Learning English with The Sims: exploiting authentic computer simulation games for L2 learning2008/11/19English87
The effects of a mobile gamification app on elementary students’ Spanish achievement and self-efficacy2017/09/28English87
Types, purposes, and effectiveness of state-of-the-art technologies for second and foreign language learning2020/04/06English82
Evaluating listening and speaking skills in a mobile game-based learning environment with situational contexts2015/02/27English81
A mobile-assisted synchronously collaborative translation–annotation system for English as a foreign language (EFL) reading comprehension2011/03/22English80
Examining EFL teachers’ technological pedagogical content knowledge and the adoption of mobile-assisted language learning: a partial least square approach2016/11/16English79
Applying Self-Regulated Learning Strategies in a Web-Based Instruction—An Investigation of Motivation Perception2005/07/01English78
The Pedagogy-Technology Interface in Computer Assisted Pronunciation Training2002/12/01English78
The impact of using machine translation on EFL students’ writing2019/02/07English78
Using gamification to support learning English as a second language: a systematic review2019/08/06English77