Computer Assisted Language Learning

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Editorial Board2010/12/01English
Statement of Removal2014/07/15English
Does hearing several speakers reduce foreign word learning?2015/01/09English
Reviewers for Computer Assisted Language Learning in 20112012/01/17English
Editorial Board2011/10/14English
Sharing Systems, Sharing Language: Designing and Working in a Virtual Department2003/12/01English
Authors Index Volume 162003/12/01English
Contents Index Volume 162003/12/01English
CALLers and learning technologists: Where do they meet, and what do they have in common?2006/10/01English
UCALL 20052006/10/01English
eLingua Latina: Designing a classical-language e-learning resource2006/10/01English
Guest Editorial2003/07/01English
eLinguaLatina and immersive CALL tool design12007/10/01English
Changing practices of instruction-giving in video-mediated interaction for an extensive reading book club2023/04/12English
From traditional writing to digital multimodal composing: promoting high school EFL students’ writing self-regulation and self-efficacy2024/02/29English
Promoting accuracy of collocation use in L2 writing: the role of data-driven learning in indirect corrective feedback2023/12/11English
Mapping the research trends of digital game-based language learning (DGBLL): a scientometrics review2024/01/03English
Supplementing the Involvement Load Hypothesis with vocabulary-use knowledge improves mobile-assisted language learners’ productive vocabulary2023/11/22English
Technology-mediated teaching vocabulary: exploring EFL learners’ depth and breadth of lexical knowledge2023/10/23English
Effects of different input modes on blended EFL speaking instruction: a quasi-experimental study2023/10/26English
Predicting attitude, use, and future intentions with translation websites through the TAM framework: a multicultural study among Saudi and South Korean language learners2023/11/07English
Vocabulary learning strategies in extramural English gaming and their relationship with vocabulary knowledge2024/03/18English
Supporting content and language integrated learning through computer-based dual concept mapping2024/02/16English
Peer editing using shared online documents: the effects of comments and track changes on student L2 academic writing quality2023/07/11English
Instag(R)ite: integrating visual social media into academic writing instruction2023/06/30English
Developing and evaluating a mobile app with a self-regulation scheme to facilitate primary students’ self-regulated vocabulary learning2024/04/18English
Exploring the impact of different types of E-learners’ anonymity on their learning engagement in competitive gamified language learning2024/04/18English
The impact of intelligent personal assistants on Mandarin second language learners: interaction process, acquisition of listening and speaking ability2024/02/19English
Overcoming academic vocabulary errors through online corpus consultation: the case of Saudi English majors2023/08/26English