Revue d’ethnoécologie

Title Publication Date Language Citations
History and Epistemology of Local and Indigenous Knowledge : from Tradition to Trend2012/11/2026
Beyond productivity: The socio-cultural role of fishing among the Baka of southeastern Cameroon2016/12/3114
Tightening the thread from seed to cloth. New enquiries in the archaeology of Old World cotton2019/06/309
Origins and Domestication of Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.). The state of the art and the study perspectives2013/07/259
Forms of social domination in the allegorical and metaphorical fictions made ​​in times of dictatorship and post-dictatorship in Argentina2016/02/168
Eight Thesis on Phantasmagoria2015/01/268
Analysis of abdominal effusion in a feline suspected infectious peritonitis2019/06/307
The names of political parties: atypical onomastics2018/03/027
Two decades of French Didactics and vocabulary teaching in the journals of didactics of French as a mother tongue2013/07/257
The safety net role of inland fishing in the subsistence strategy of multi-active forest dwellers in southern Cameroon2016/12/316
Farming practices, utilization values, and Farmers' Perception of cocoa trees' companion species of in Traditional Agroforests, Centre of Côte d’Ivoire2016/02/166
How far does the sea go? Exploring the margins of maritime anthropology2018/03/026
Défis scientifiques et sociaux de l'anthropologie maritime2018/03/026
From the symbolic « efficiency » of taboos to their ecological functionality: Variations on the « taboo » in maritime environments2014/10/076
Appropriation of reading-based learning in a French class of secondary education in an underprivileged background in Quebec2013/07/256
Reconciliation ecology, from biological to social challenges2014/10/076
Beluga Whale, Eel, and Black Sturgeon Fishery in the St Lawrence Estuary (Québec): An Activity Enmeshed between Protection and Commodification2018/03/025
Ethnozoology of bushmeat2018/12/315
A catalogue of freshwater fishing implements from Central Africa2016/12/315
Claudine Friedberg (1933-2018): from ethnobotany to anthropology2018/12/315
A spontaneous form of the fig tree (Ficus carica L.), the nābūt: diversity of nomenclature, use and local practices in Northern Morocco2017/08/315
JATBA and its ancestors : Essay on the history of a Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle laboratory’s journal2012/11/205
Protect humans and non-humans : the example of the Bunaq from Lamaknen2014/10/075
Du Jatba-Revue d’ethnobiologie à la Revue d’ethnoécologie2012/11/204
Um monumento a 24 imagens por segundo: El santo de la espada2016/02/164
Affaires illicites : le commerce entre Philadelphie et Lisbonne avant l’indépendance, 1700-17752019/11/224
Des hommes et des plantes2019/11/224
An attempt to reconstruct former agrosystems and food ressources in the Mandara Mountains from the First centuries CE until the 1930’s2014/05/154
Conservation of nature: what role for social sciences? Towards an anthropology of conservation2014/10/074
The role of ethnoscience in the build-up of ethnoconservation as a new approach to nature conservation in the tropics2014/10/074