Revue d’ethnoécologie

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Exploitation végétale des oasis d’Arabie2013/07/254
Iconography and symbolism of the date palm in Antiquity (Near East, Egypt, Eastern Mediterranean)2013/07/254
Appropriation of reading-based learning in a French class of secondary education in an underprivileged background in Quebec2013/07/254
Maintien du potentiel adaptatif chez les plantes domestiquées à propagation clonale2012/11/204
Pathways of diffusion of some plants and animals between Asia and the Mediterranean region2012/11/204
A history of the Teko and Wayãpi (Commune of Camopi, French Guiana) territories' cartography2017/03/274
From local knowledge to naturalists experts: The recognition of artisanal fishermen knowledge in Martinique2017/03/274
The itinerant agriculture on slash-and-burn field, a threat on the wet rain forest? Knowledges and know-how of the Amerindians in French Guyana2012/11/203
Ethnoécologie et utilisation ethnomédicinale des poissons chez les Bakwele de Sud-Est Cameroun2016/12/313
Current events: Displaying Ethnoecology into the Musée de l’Homme2016/02/163
Reflections on a Collaborative Project of Land Demarcation and Ethnocartographic Documentation of Jodï and Eñepa Lands and Habitats, Venezuelan Amazon2016/02/163
Human and natural history of a biological invasion: Gorse on Reunion Island2016/02/163
Cotton in ancient Sudan and Nubia2019/06/303
Ethnobotany at the crossroads of the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle and the Musée ethnologique of Salagon2015/01/263
A maritime horticulture? Practices and sea perceptions on Tongoa Island (Vanuatu)2018/03/023
Local perceptions of forest, conservation and logging in Papua New Guinea12014/10/072
Oasis agriculture in the southern Kharga Oasis during the Persian period (Egypt, vth-ivth c. BCE)2013/07/252
Biodiversity and the balance diet : the case of the Ntomba of the swamped forest (Central Basin, Congo Republic)2013/06/262
Revisiting the marine commons or « terroirs ». End or revival in the context of the sea globalisation and in the West-African coast governance?2018/03/022
From the forest to the table: Traditional knowledge about food mushrooms from P'urhepecha community Cherán K’eri2018/03/022
Vivables, vivantes et vivrières : de nouveaux espoirs pour la ville ?2015/07/012
Pond fishing in the Congolese cuvette: a story of fishermen, animals, and water spirits2016/12/312
Wings of centrality, planetary air networks and globalization2020/02/192
Participatory mapping and conflict over land: an inadequate tool to depict the disputed Tana delta in Kenya2017/03/272
Sacred natural sites and the conservation of marine and coastal resources in the traditional Jola environment: Example of Bliss-Kassa and the Indigenous people's and community conserved territories and areas in Senegal2017/03/272
Of the naming and uses of adventitious herbs of crops in Jbala region, Morocco. Men and women’s relationships to the agricultural land and to others2017/08/312
The hospitality of humans towards jnûn: Ritual and ecosophical micro-scenes among the Jbala of Northern Morocco2017/08/312
Des semis et des clones2017/08/312
Antilithiasic plants used in traditional medicine in Oran, Algeria: Ethnobotanical survey and phytochemical screening2016/02/162
Between legal frameworks and indigenous cartographies: A review of concepts regarding national sovereignty in Venezuela2016/02/162