The Leadership Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Leadership behaviors and group creativity in Chinese organizations: The role of group processes2011/10/01English196
Transformational leadership and ambidexterity in the context of an acquisition2009/02/01English193
Transformational leadership and performance outcomes: Analyses of multiple mediation pathways2017/06/01English191
Transformational leadership in context: Face-to-face and virtual teams2009/06/01English189
Ethical leadership and employee knowledge sharing: Exploring dual-mediation paths2018/04/01English189
Re-thinking ethical leadership: An interdisciplinary integrative approach2012/10/01English189
Paternalistic leadership and employee voice in China: A dual process model2015/02/01English188
Organizational discourse analysis (ODA): Examining leadership as a relational process2012/12/01English188
Beyond personal Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) quality: The effects of perceived LMX variability on employee reactions2008/02/01English186
I second that emotion: Effects of emotional contagion and affect at work on leader and follower outcomes2008/02/01English186
A framework for understanding collective leadership: The selective utilization of leader and team expertise within networks2009/12/01English185
Charismatic leadership at the strategic level: A new application of upper echelons theory2004/06/01English182
Race matters for women leaders: Intersectional effects on agentic deficiencies and penalties2016/06/01English182
Leading at the top: Understanding women's challenges above the glass ceiling2016/02/01English180
Collective enactment of leadership roles and team effectiveness: A field study2006/08/01English180
Looking forward but learning from our past: Potential challenges to developing authentic leadership theory and authentic leaders2005/06/01English180
Leader–member exchange in teams: An examination of the interaction between relationship differentiation and mean LMX in explaining team-level outcomes2006/06/01English179
The role, function, and contribution of attribution theory to leadership: A review2007/12/01English179
Instrumental leadership: Measurement and extension of transformational–transactional leadership theory2014/08/01English179
Complexity leadership in bureaucratic forms of organizing: A meso model2009/08/01English178
Cross-cultural comparison of leadership prototypes1994/06/01English177
The intersection of leadership and entrepreneurship: Mutual lessons to be learned2004/12/01English177
Empathy and the emergence of task and relations leaders2006/04/01English175
Perils of being close to a bad leader in a bad environment: Exploring the combined effects of despotic leadership, leader member exchange, and perceived organizational politics on behaviors2016/02/01English174
Nothing succeeds like succession: A critical review of leader succession literature since 19942005/12/01English173
Influence-based leadership as a determinant of the inclination to innovate and of innovation-related behaviors2004/02/01English172
Narcissistic CEOs and executive compensation2014/04/01English172
Leadership and followership identity processes: A multilevel review2017/02/01English171
Leading with their hearts? How gender stereotypes of emotion lead to biased evaluations of female leaders2016/06/01English171
Experimentally analyzing the impact of leader positivity on follower positivity and performance2011/04/01English170