The Leadership Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Relationship-based approach to leadership: Development of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership over 25 years: Applying a multi-level multi-domain perspective1995/06/01English3,609
Transformational leader behaviors and their effects on followers' trust in leader, satisfaction, and organizational citizenship behaviors1990/06/01English2,901
Authentic leadership development: Getting to the root of positive forms of leadership2005/06/01English2,825
Ethical leadership: A review and future directions2006/12/01English1,664
On making causal claims: A review and recommendations2010/12/01English1,441
Unlocking the mask: a look at the process by which authentic leaders impact follower attitudes and behaviors2004/12/01English1,024
“Can you see the real me?” A self-based model of authentic leader and follower development2005/06/01English986
What leaders need to know: A review of social and contextual factors that can foster or hinder creativity2004/02/01English921
Toward a theory of spiritual leadership2003/12/01English892
Servant leadership: Development of a multidimensional measure and multi-level assessment2008/04/01English853
Complexity Leadership Theory: Shifting leadership from the industrial age to the knowledge era2007/08/01English832
Relational Leadership Theory: Exploring the social processes of leadership and organizing2006/12/01English770
The female leadership advantage: An evaluation of the evidence2003/12/01English685
Leader behaviors and the work environment for creativity: Perceived leader support2004/02/01English663
Leadership theory and research in the new millennium: Current theoretical trends and changing perspectives2014/02/01English622
Authentic leadership and eudaemonic well-being: Understanding leader–follower outcomes2005/06/01English614
Explaining the heterogeneity of the leadership-innovation relationship: Ambidextrous leadership2011/10/01English580
Servant Leadership: A systematic review and call for future research2019/02/01English579
Followership theory: A review and research agenda2014/02/01English565
Authentic leadership: A review of the literature and research agenda2011/12/01English563
How bad are the effects of bad leaders? A meta-analysis of destructive leadership and its outcomes2013/02/01English560
Dimensions of transformational leadership: Conceptual and empirical extensions2004/06/01English540
What type of leadership behaviors are functional in teams? A meta-analysis2006/06/01English508
Ethical and despotic leadership, relationships with leader's social responsibility, top management team effectiveness and subordinates' optimism: A multi-method study2008/06/01English503
Leadership, self, and identity: A review and research agenda2004/12/01English501
Advances in leader and leadership development: A review of 25years of research and theory2014/02/01English496
The bright and dark sides of leader traits: A review and theoretical extension of the leader trait paradigm2009/12/01English494
Destructive leadership behaviour: A definition and conceptual model2007/06/01English489
Strategic leadership for exploration and exploitation: The moderating role of environmental dynamism2009/02/01English482
Narcissistic leadership2006/12/01English477