The Leadership Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Social network analysis and the evaluation of leadership networks2010/08/01English169
Revisiting the mediating role of trust in transformational leadership effects: Do different types of trust make a difference?2013/02/01English167
Getting on top of the glass cliff: Reviewing a decade of evidence, explanations, and impact2016/06/01English167
A review of the effectiveness of empowering leadership2019/02/01English166
Spirituality and leadership: An empirical review of definitions, distinctions, and embedded assumptions2005/10/01English166
An exploration of stereotypical beliefs about leadership styles: Is transformational leadership a route to women's promotion?2011/02/01English165
Developments in implicit leadership theory and cognitive science: Applications to improving measurement and understanding alternatives to hierarchical leadership2010/12/01English164
A multi-level analysis of team climate and interpersonal exchange relationships at work2008/04/01English164
Leader–member exchange and empowerment: Direct and interactive effects on job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and performance2009/06/01English163
Two faces of empowering leadership: Enabling and burdening2016/08/01English162
When do subordinates' emotion-regulation strategies matter? Abusive supervision, subordinates' emotional exhaustion, and work withdrawal2013/02/01English160
E-leadership: Re-examining transformations in leadership source and transmission2014/02/01English160
Transformational leadership in an acquisition: A field study of employees2007/02/01English159
Enacting the ‘true self’: Towards a theory of embodied authentic leadership2010/02/01English159
Leader political skill and employee reactions2004/08/01English159
How CEO empowering leadership shapes top management team processes: Implications for firm performance2011/04/01English159
Strategic bullying as a supplementary, balanced perspective on destructive leadership2007/06/01English158
CEO humility, narcissism and firm innovation: A paradox perspective on CEO traits2017/10/01English158
Transformational leadership and follower creativity: The mediating role of follower relational identification and the moderating role of leader creativity expectations2015/04/01English158
The moderating role of individual differences in the relation between transformational/transactional leadership perceptions and organizational identification2005/08/01English156
Top management team behavioral integration, decision quality, and organizational decline2006/10/01English156
Leadership competencies for implementing planned organizational change2010/06/01English156
Leading for innovation: Conclusions, issues, and directions2004/02/01English154
Champions of technological innovation: The influence of contextual knowledge, role orientation, idea generation, and idea promotion on champion emergence2004/02/01English153
When values backfire: Leadership, attribution, and disenchantment in a values-driven organization2006/02/01English153
The typical leadership study: Assumptions, implications, and potential remedies2007/10/01English153
Examining the effects of trust in leaders: A bases-and-foci approach2010/02/01English153
Unpacking the relationship between CEO leadership behavior and organizational culture2006/04/01English153
The mediating role of organizational job embeddedness in the LMX–outcomes relationships2011/04/01English153
Scholarly leadership of the study of leadership: A review of The Leadership Quarterly's second decade, 2000–20092010/12/01English152