Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Handaxe reduction and its influence on shape: An experimental test and archaeological case study2015/09/01English24
How shattered flakes were used: Micro-wear analysis of quartz flake fragments2015/06/01English24
The use of Micro-Photogrammetry and Geometric Morphometrics for identifying carnivore agency in bone assemblages2017/08/01English23
Effects of cooking on mollusk shell structure and chemistry: Implications for archeology and paleoenvironmental reconstruction2016/06/01English23
Physical and mineralogical properties of experimentally heated chaff-tempered mud bricks: Implications for reconstruction of environmental factors influencing the appearance of mud bricks in archaeological conflagration events2015/06/01English23
A new method for 3D geometric morphometric shape analysis: The case study of handaxe knapping skill2017/08/01English22
Tale of two timescales: Combining tooth wear methods with different temporal resolutions to detect seasonality of Palaeolithic hominin occupational patterns2016/04/01English21
Airborne LiDAR acquisition, post-processing and accuracy-checking for a 3D WebGIS of Copan, Honduras2016/02/01English21
Training and interobserver reliability in qualitative scoring of skeletal samples2017/02/01English21
A review of infrared spectroscopy in microarchaeology: Methods, applications, and recent trends2018/04/01English20
Landscape applications of photogrammetry using unmanned aerial vehicles2018/12/01English20
Radiocarbon dating the pace of monument construction and village aggregation at Garden Patch: A ceremonial center on the Florida Gulf Coast2015/06/01English20
Nitrogen isotope evidence for manuring of early Neolithic Funnel Beaker Culture cereals from Stensborg, Sweden2017/08/01English20
A comparison of automated object extraction methods for mound and shell-ring identification in coastal South Carolina2019/02/01English20
A combined dietary approach using isotope and dental buccal-microwear analysis of human remains from the Neolithic, Roman and Medieval periods from the archaeological site of Tossal de les Basses (Alicante, Spain)2016/04/01English20
Who let the dogs in? A review of the recent genetic evidence for the introduction of the dingo to Australia and implications for the movement of people2016/06/01English20
Subsistence practices among earthwork builders: Phytolith evidence from archaeological sites in the southwest Amazonian interfluves2015/12/01English19
New ages from Sehonghong rock shelter: Implications for the late Pleistocene occupation of highland Lesotho2017/04/01English19
4D recording at the trowel's edge: Using three-dimensional simulation platforms to support field interpretation2017/04/01English19
An innovative approach to the protection of cultural heritage: The case of cultural routes in Chios Island, Greece2017/08/01English19
Plant microremains in dental calculus as a record of plant consumption: A test with Twe forager-horticulturalists2015/06/01English19
Economical drone mapping for archaeology: Comparisons of efficiency and accuracy2019/04/01English19
Assessing village life and monument construction (cal. AD 65–1070) along the central Gulf Coast of Florida through stable isotope geochemistry2015/12/01English19
Mineral deposition systems at rock art sites, Kimberley, Northern Australia — Field observations2017/08/01English19
The transition from foraging to farming (7000–500 cal BC) in the SE Baltic: A re-evaluation of chronological and palaeodietary evidence from human remains2017/08/01English19
Identifying ancient beer brewing through starch analysis: A methodology2017/10/01English19
Detecting prehistoric landscape features using thermal, multispectral, and historical imagery analysis at Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie, Illinois2018/10/01English19
Archaeological surveying with airborne LiDAR and UAV photogrammetry: A comparative analysis at Cahokia Mounds2020/10/01English18
Portable and low-cost solutions to the imaging of Paleolithic art objects: A comparison of photogrammetry and reflectance transformation imaging2016/12/01English18
Moving metals IV: Swords, metal sources and trade networks in Bronze Age Europe2019/08/01English18