Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The formation of a Mediterranean terraced landscape: Mount Eitan, Judean Highlands, Israel2016/04/01English18
Early spears as thrusting weapons: Isolating force and impact velocities in human performance trials2016/12/01English18
Investigating regional patterning in archaeological remains by pairing extensive survey with a lidar dataset: The case of the Manu'a Group, American Samoa2015/06/01English17
Web-based visualization for 3D data in archaeology: The ADS 3D viewer2016/10/01English17 An open-access and collaborative isotope database for bioarchaeological samples from the Graeco-Roman world and its margins2018/06/01English17
Photogrammetric texture mapping: A method for increasing the Fidelity of 3D models of cultural heritage materials2018/04/01English17
Life cycle of estuarine islands — From the formation to the landlocking of former islands in the environs of Miletos and Ephesos in western Asia Minor (Turkey)2017/04/01English17
Human diets during the social transition from territorial states to empire: Stable isotope analysis of human and animal remains from 770 BCE to 220 CE on the Central Plains of China2017/02/01English17
Hearths and bones: An experimental study to explore temporality in archaeological contexts based on taphonomical changes in burnt bones2017/02/01English17
Establishing a preservation index for bone, dentin, and enamel bioapatite mineral using ATR-FTIR2020/10/01English16
Photogrammetry is for everyone: Structure-from-motion software user experiences in archaeology2020/04/01English16
The Hoabinhian from Laang Spean Cave in its stratigraphic, chronological, typo-technological and environmental context (Cambodia, Battambang province)2015/09/01English16
Using combined biomolecular methods to explore whale exploitation and social aggregation in hunter–gatherer–fisher society in Tierra del Fuego2016/04/01English16
The evolution of Paleolithic hominin–carnivore interaction written in teeth: Stories from the Swabian Jura (Germany)2016/04/01English16
The source, processing and use of red pigment based on hematite and cinnabar at Gramalote, an early Initial Period (1500–1200 cal. B.C.) maritime community, north coast of Peru2016/02/01English16
Dingoes and Aboriginal social organization in Holocene Australia2016/06/01English16
Let the cutmarks speak! Experimental butchery to reconstruct carcass processing2017/02/01English16
Early agriculture at the crossroads of China and Southeast Asia: Archaeobotanical evidence and radiocarbon dates from Baiyangcun, Yunnan2018/08/01English16
50,000 years of archaeological site stratigraphy and micromorphology in Boodie Cave, Barrow Island, Western Australia2017/10/01English16
X-ray computed microtomography and the identification of wood taxa selected for archaeological artefact manufacture: Rare examples from Australian contexts2016/04/01English16
3D GPR survey for the archaeological characterization of the ancient Messapian necropolis in Lecce, South Italy2016/06/01English16
Silcrete as a valuable resource for stone tool manufacture and its use by Paleo-American hunter–gatherers in southeastern South America2017/10/01English16
Testing imaging confocal microscopy, laser scanning confocal microscopy, and focus variation microscopy for microscale measurement of edge cross-sections and calculation of edge curvature on stone tools: Preliminary results2019/04/01English16
Subsistence fishery at Hatahara (750–1230 CE), a pre-Columbian central Amazonian village2016/08/01English16
‘Structure’ density, area, and volume as complementary tools to understand Maya Settlement: An analysis of lidar data along the great road between Coba and Yaxuna2020/02/01English16
Testing Google Earth Engine for the automatic identification and vectorization of archaeological features: A case study from Faynan, Jordan2017/10/01English16
Dog-human dietary relationships in Yup'ik western Alaska: The stable isotope and zooarchaeological evidence from pre-contact Nunalleq2018/02/01English16
The chronology of occupation at Teouma, Vanuatu: Use of a modified chronometric hygiene protocol and Bayesian modeling to evaluate midden remains2015/12/01English15
Origin of pre-Columbian guinea pigs from Caribbean archeological sites revealed through genetic analysis2016/02/01English15
Petrography and mineralogy of the white marble and black stone of Göktepe (Muğla, Turkey) used in antiquity: New data for provenance determination2018/06/01English15