Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Evidence for Slavic lead mining and trade: Early Rus’ lead seals from Czermno and Gródek on the Polish Rus’ borderEnglish
Virtual reconstruction of archaeological pottery using visual programming languageEnglish
Adaptions of hunter-gatherers before Younger dyers in Gobi Desert, northwest China: Flexible technological strategies in Pigeon Mountain Locality 10English
An isotopic examination of Maya Preclassic and Classic animal and human diets at Ceibal, Guatemala2024/05/01English
Speculations on the sources of coal associated with thirteenth-century archaeological site, Lee County, southwestern Virginia2024/04/01English
Discerning invention/innovation processes in artifact design change: Is it time to rethink drifting attributes?2024/04/01English
A comparative compositional study of Egyptian glass from Amarna with regard to cobalt sources and other colourants2024/04/01English
Food storage, mobility, and the density-dependence of hunter-gatherer movement ecology2024/04/01English
Ancient glass from the island of Malta: A preliminary study of Phoenician-Punic, Roman and post-Roman finds2024/04/01English
Sand & stones: The Pylos Geoarchaeological Program2023/10/01English
Effects of lipid extraction on human bone collagen: Comparing stable carbon and nitrogen isotope values with and without lipid extraction2023/10/01English
An experimental investigation of the ground stone knives and sickles in the Lower Yangtze River Region during the Late Neolithic and Bronze Age2023/10/01English
Obsidian in the Valley of Volcanoes, Peru2023/10/01English
Imported pottery at the cemetery of Perati in light of the current results of Neutron Activation Analysis2023/10/01English
Shell-tempered ceramics: A case study of Western Tripolye kitchen ware in the Middle Dniester region2023/10/01English
Experimental waterlogging of grape seeds, impact on seed shape and geometrical reversing for morphometric inference2023/10/01English
Reconsidering archaeological garden hunting: A view from the northern U.S. Southwest2023/10/01English
Taphonomic approaches to distinguish chewing damage from knapping marks in Palaeolithic faunal assemblages2023/10/01English
A preliminary assessment of ancient diet and mobility in Archaic period Asia minor: A view from Panormos, near Didyma2023/10/01English
Plan of prehistoric stilt village in Maranhão Brazil may resemble the Pleiades2023/10/01English
From construction to destruction: The development of an excavation protocol for pottery kilns2023/10/01English
Starch grains on human teeth as evidence for 4000 BCE potato consumption at the Cruz Verde site, northern coast of Peru2023/10/01English
An isotopic investigation on diet and inequality: The human remains from Gannì (Sardinia, 3rd millennium BC)2023/10/01English
Chronology of the Late Roman Antiquity walls of Le Mans (France) by OSL, archaeomagnetism and radiocarbon2023/10/01English
Regional ochre procurement in the prehistoric American Bottom2023/10/01English
Glass production at Jalame, Israel: Process, composition and relationship to Roman glass in Europe2023/10/01English
The food culture of the Iron Age nomadic elite from the ‘Valley of the Kings’ in Tuva: radiocarbon dating, stable carbon and nitrogen analysis of the Chinge Tey barrows (Turan-Uyuk Basin, Russia)2023/10/01English
A multianalytical approach for the study of relief polychrome glazed ceramics (France, 19th century)2023/10/01English
Fragments of luxury: Opaque glass from the Palace of Mystras, Greece2023/10/01English
Spectroscopic and microscopic analysis of yarn sample found in Başur Höyük Early Bronze Age Cemetery2023/10/01English