Social Psychology of Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Parental expectations and school relationships as contributors to adolescents’ positive outcomes2013/10/26English70
Parental style and child bullying and victimization experiences at school2008/01/16English69
An investigation of the relationship between teachers’ expectations and teachers’ perceptions of student attributes2016/02/08English69
Why are there so few ethnic minorities in ecology and evolutionary biology? Challenges to inclusion and the role of sense of belonging2020/02/03English67
Negatively or positively biased? Dependencies of teachers’ judgments and expectations based on students’ ethnic and social backgrounds2017/08/07English65
The Pivotal Role of Effort Beliefs in Mediating Implicit Theories of Intelligence and Achievement Goals and Academic Motivations2014/08/29English63
The relationship between parental involvement, self-regulated learning, and reading achievement of fifth graders: a path analysis using the ECLS-K database2009/09/15English63
Do quality teacher–student relationships protect teachers from emotional exhaustion? The mediating role of enjoyment and anger2018/11/13English63
Bullying and victimisation in school children: the role of social identity, problem-solving style, and family and school context2008/08/21English62
Cultural models of education in American Indian, Asian American and European American contexts2007/05/15English61
Beyond judgment bias: How students’ ethnicity and academic profile consistency influence teachers’ tracking judgments2013/09/07English61
Under-represented college students and extracurricular involvement: the effects of various student organizations on academic performance2008/02/29English60
The relationship of academic self-efficacy to class participation and exam performance2011/12/01English59
Curriculum tracking and teacher expectations: evidence from discrepant course taking models2012/03/31English59
Effect of syllabus tone: students’ perceptions of instructor and course2011/03/18English59
Longitudinal changes in college math students’ implicit theories of intelligence2012/12/01English58
Teacher stress and burnout in Australia: examining the role of intrapersonal and environmental factors2022/02/25English58
From social class to self-efficacy: internalization of low social status pupils’ school performance2015/07/05English57
Perceived Academic Control: mediating the effects of optimism and social support on college students’ psychological health2008/11/13English57
The belief in a just world and distress at school2005/06/01English57
Resilience predicts well-being in teachers, but not in non-teaching employees2012/03/25English56
Discrimination and academic (dis)engagement of ethnic-racial minority students: a social identity threat perspective2019/01/23English56
Classroom justice and psychological engagement: students’ and teachers’ representations2010/06/05English55
Autonomy support and achievement goals as predictors of perceived school performance and life satisfaction in the transition between lower and upper secondary school2014/02/12English53
The relations between implicit intelligence beliefs, autonomous academic motivation, and school persistence intentions: a mediation model2015/01/21English53
Gender and ethnic stereotypes in student teachers’ judgments: a new look from a shifting standards perspective2017/07/03English52
A classmate in distress: schoolchildren as bystanders and their reasons for how they act2007/02/27English52
Does ethnicity matter? The impact of stereotypical expectations on in-service teachers’ judgments of students2016/06/21English51
Awareness of a gender stereotype, personal beliefs and self-perceptions regarding math ability: when boys do not surpass girls2007/08/07English51
Why leave the teaching profession? A longitudinal approach to the prevalence and persistence of teacher turnover intentions2020/05/27English51