Social Psychology of Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Teachers’ and students’ needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness as predictors of students’ achievement2016/12/16English49
Culture and Personal Epistemology: U.S. and Middle Eastern Students’ beliefs about Scientific Knowledge and Knowing2005/11/01English49
Principal self-efficacy and work engagement: assessing a Norwegian Principal Self-Efficacy Scale2011/05/11English49
Family background and academic achievement: does self-efficacy mediate outcomes?2010/02/21English48
Teachers’ autonomy support, autonomy suppression and conditional negative regard as predictors of optimal learning experience among high-achieving Bedouin students2017/11/08English48
Bullying affects more than feelings: the long-term implications of victimization on academic motivation in higher education2014/12/11English47
Losing its expected communal value: how stereotype threat undermines women’s identity as research scientists2015/04/18English47
Effects of classroom context on university students’ judgments about cheating: mediating and moderating processes2007/05/22English46
Recollections of childhood bullying and multiple forms of victimization: correlates with psychological functioning among college students2016/08/16English46
Exploring teachers’ and students’ gender role bias and students’ confidence in STEM fields2017/10/16English45
Enhancing autonomy-supportive I–Thou dialogue in schools: conceptualization and socio-emotional effects of an intervention program2012/03/24English44
“I deserve success”: Academic entitlement attitudes and their relationships with course self-efficacy, social networking, and demographic variables2012/04/07English44
Comparing cyberbullying and school bullying among school students: prevalence, gender, and grade level differences2014/08/20English44
It’s not just what you know, it’s who you know: Testing a model of the relative importance of social networks to academic performance2008/11/13English43
Are perceived school climate dimensions predictive of students’ engagement?2017/12/18English42
Teacher, parent and student perceptions of the motives of cyberbullies2014/05/07English42
Academic optimistic bias: Implications for college student performance and well-being2007/03/13English42
Parenting at home and bullying at school2013/01/03English42
Meanings of Education for University Students: Academic Motivation and Personal Values as Predictors2006/05/01English42
Aloha teachers: teacher autonomy support promotes Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander students’ motivation, school belonging, course-taking and math achievement2016/09/06English41
Intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation, and academic achievement among Indian adolescents in Canada and India2011/04/22English41
Perceptions of campus climate, academic efficacy and academic success among community college students: an ethnic comparison2008/12/06English41
“I am because we are:” collectivism as a foundational characteristic of African American college student identity and academic achievement2009/01/29English41
Do social self-efficacy and self-esteem moderate the relationship between peer victimization and academic performance?2015/01/21English40
Structural and socio-psychological influences on adolescents’ educational aspirations and subsequent academic achievement2010/08/20English40
A longitudinal examination of the role of stereotype threat and racial climate on college outcomes for minorities at elite institutions2009/09/12English40
The relationship between intrinsic motivation and academic achievement for first generation Latino college students2014/02/18English40
Basic psychological needs and school engagement: a focus on justice and agency2017/10/16English40
Shades of disengagement: high school dropouts speak out2007/12/11English40
Psychosocial environment and affective outcomes in technology-rich classrooms: testing a causal model2008/10/15English40