Social Psychology of Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Resilient teachers: resisting stress and burnout2004/01/01English247
Emotional regulation goals and strategies of teachers2004/01/01English217
Why they leave: the impact of stereotype threat on the attrition of women and minorities from science, math and engineering majors2012/06/23English187
The relationship between bullying, victimization, trait emotional intelligence, self-efficacy and empathy among preadolescents2011/07/26English181
Job demands and job resources as predictors of teacher motivation and well-being2018/08/24English179
Intrinsic and extrinsic school motivation as a function of age: the mediating role of autonomy support2011/07/31English146
Burnout syndrome in secondary school teachers: a systematic review and meta-analysis2018/11/07English138
Novice teachers’ experience of teaching: a dynamic aspect of burnout2010/01/07English128
Still motivated to teach? A study of school context variables, stress and job satisfaction among teachers in senior high school2017/01/06English123
Dimensions of teacher burnout: relations with potential stressors at school2017/08/12English116
Principal self-efficacy: relations with burnout, job satisfaction and motivation to quit2012/03/31English116
Protective Factors as Moderators of Risk Factors in Adolescence Bullying2005/09/01English115
School factors associated with school refusal- and truancy-related reasons for school non-attendance2015/02/24English107
Is school bullying really on the rise?2011/04/30English103
Academic expectations as sources of stress in Asian students2010/12/29English103
Social presence in online discussion groups: testing three conceptions and their relations to perceived learning2008/04/29English98
Knife-like mouth and tofu-like heart: emotion regulation by Chinese teachers in classroom teaching2015/08/01English94
The impact of resilience on role stressors and burnout in elementary and secondary teachers2016/06/30English93
Does nationality matter? The impact of stereotypical expectations on student teachers’ judgments2012/08/07English86
Using implicit bias training to improve attitudes toward women in STEM2014/05/11English84
Do gender–science stereotypes predict science identification and science career aspirations among undergraduate science majors?2013/06/14English83
School related stress in early adolescence and academic performance three years later: the conditional influence of self expectations2005/03/01English79
The effects of an academic environment intervention on science identification among women in STEM2013/04/23English78
Teachers’ burnout, depression, role ambiguity and conflict2009/01/14English78
Perceptions of Youth Obesity among Physical Educators2005/11/01English78
The impact of COVID-19 triggered changes to instruction and assessment on university students’ self-reported motivation, engagement and perceptions2021/02/01English77
Influence of motivation, self-beliefs, and instructional practices on science achievement of adolescents in Canada2010/11/12English77
Teachers’ emotions and emotion management: integrating emotion regulation theory with emotional labor research2016/09/28English74
STEM enrichment programs and graduate school matriculation: the role of science identity salience2013/09/27English73
Perceived control and emotions: interactive effects on performance in achievement settings2007/12/07English71