International Journal of Early Years Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Do home numeracy and literacy practices of Greek and Canadian parents predict the numeracy skills of kindergarten children?2010/03/01English162
Free choice and free play in early childhood education: troubling the discourse2013/09/02English103
The risk is that there is ‘no risk’: a simple, innovative intervention to increase children’s activity levels2009/03/01English102
Young children talking and drawing2006/10/01English86
Pre-school Teachers' Content Knowledge in Science: Their understanding of elementary science concepts and of issues raised by children's questions Le Contenue des Connaissances des Enseignants de Maternelle en Matière de Sciences Exactes: Leur perception des concepts scientifiques de base ainsi que des interrogations soulevées par les questions des enfants El Conocimiento de Contenido de los Educadores de Preescolar en Ciencia: Su entendimiento en conceptos elementales en Ciencia y en cuestiones que surgen de las preguntas de los niños2001/10/01English76
Parental support of numeracy during a cooking activity with four-year-olds2012/03/01English66
Documenting ‘possibility thinking’: a journey of collaborative enquiry2006/10/01English66
Numeracy‐related exchanges in joint storybook reading and play2009/03/01English64
Democracy, caring and competence: values perspectives in ECEC curricula in the Nordic countries2014/11/04English63
Curricular and instructional influences on early literacy attainment: evidence from Beijing, Hong Kong and Singapore2005/01/01English63
Young children's decisions about research participation: opting out2012/09/01English63
Trends in construction of transition to school in three western regions, 1990–20042005/01/01English57
High‐quality interactions with infants: relationships with early‐childhood practitioners’ interpretations and qualification levels in play and routine contexts2010/03/01English57
Curricular quality and day‐to‐day learning activities in pre‐school2007/03/01English56
ICT and play in preschool: early childhood teachers’ beliefs and confidence2015/09/02English53
ICT in preschool: friend or foe? The significance of norms in a changing practice2012/12/01English53
Amount, content and context of infant media exposure: a parental questionnaire and diary analysis2010/06/01English52
Children’s early numeracy in England, Finland and People’s Republic of China2008/10/01English52
Infant humor: the theory of the absurd and the empowerment theory2005/01/01English51
Characterising the principles of Professional Love in early childhood care and education2018/04/03English51
Citizenship and inclusion in the early years: understanding and responding to children’s perspectives on ‘belonging’2009/10/01English51
Dimensions of pedagogical quality in preschool2007/05/04English50
Inventing songs, inventing worlds: the ‘genesis’ of creative thought and activity in young children’s lives2006/10/01English50
Children’s risk‐taking behaviour: implications for early childhood policy and practice2006/06/01English48
Early childhood teachers' constructions of their resilience and thriving: A continuing investigation2004/10/01English48
Trends and tensions: Australian and international research about starting school2013/09/01English47
Negotiating Otherness : A male early childhood educator's gender positioning2000/06/01English47
Exploring parental involvement in early years education in China: development and validation of the Chinese Early Parental Involvement Scale (CEPIS)2012/12/01English44
Integration of digital technologies into play-based pedagogy in Kuwaiti early childhood education: teachers’ views, attitudes and aptitudes2016/04/28English43
Parents supporting learning: a non-intensive intervention supporting literacy and numeracy in the home learning environment2016/03/21English43