Journal of Geographical Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Impact of proximity-adjusted preferences on rank-order stability in geographical multicriteria decision analysis2010/10/10English33
Measuring similarity between geospatial lifelines in studies of environmental health2005/05/01English33
Design and implementation of a Space-Time Intelligence System for disease surveillance2005/05/01English32
Spatial interaction models from Irish commuting data: variations in trip length by occupation and gender2011/10/26English32
P-hub protection models for survivable hub network design2011/09/10English32
Non-life insurance consumption in Italy: a sub-regional panel data analysis2010/07/13English32
A general framework for error analysis in measurement-based GIS Part 1: The basic measurement-error model and related concepts2004/12/01English32
A multilevel path analysis of contact frequency between social network members2010/10/07English31
The pyrogeography of sub-Saharan Africa: a study of the spatial non-stationarity of fire–environment relationships using GWR2010/06/23English31
A spatial panel ordered-response model with application to the analysis of urban land-use development intensity patterns2012/03/27English31
U-Access: a web-based system for routing pedestrians of differing abilities2006/04/26English30
Bayesian spatiotemporal mapping of relative dengue disease risk in Bandung, Indonesia2019/08/30English30
Combining microsimulation and spatial interaction models for retail location analysis2007/09/01English30
Detection of temporal changes in the spatial distribution of cancer rates using local Moran?s I and geostatistically simulated spatial neutral models2005/05/01English30
Multi-objective route planning for dangerous goods using compromise programming2010/06/24English29
Mapping of stream microhabitats with high spatial resolution hyperspectral imagery2002/03/0129
Detection of crossover time scales in multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis2012/05/13English29
A spatial econometric panel data examination of endogenous versus exogenous interaction in Chinese province-level patenting2014/04/24English29
Measuring the impact of pollution on property prices in Madrid: objective versus subjective pollution indicators in spatial models2012/04/04English29
Housing price prediction: parametric versus semi-parametric spatial hedonic models2017/08/03English29
Area-to-point Kriging with inequality-type data2006/10/10English28
A place-based model of local activity spaces: individual place exposure and characteristics2018/01/05English28
Spatial error correction and cointegration in nonstationary panel data: regional house prices in Israel2010/05/13English28
Open source, spatial analysis, and activity-travel behaviour research: capabilities of the aspace package2008/05/16English28
Surveying general prospects and challenges of GIS implementation in developing countries: a SWOT–AHP approach2009/05/20English28
Area-to-point Kriging in spatial hedonic pricing models2009/06/13English27
Understanding the dynamics of urban areas of interest through volunteered geographic information2018/12/05English27
A Web-based environmental decision support system (WEDSS) for environmental planning and watershed management2004/10/01English27
Business establishment mobility behavior in urban areas: a microanalytical model for the City of Hamilton in Ontario, Canada2007/03/21English26
Mobile phone usage in complex urban systems: a space–time, aggregated human activity study2015/03/31English26