Journal of Geographical Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Identifying local spatial association in flow data1999/10/0142
Coupling land use allocation models with raster GIS1999/07/0242
Income distribution dynamics and cross-region convergence in Europe2008/06/01English42
Analysis of human spatial behavior in a GIS environment: Recent developments and future prospects2000/03/0941
Trip making, induced travel demand, and accessibility2005/06/01English41
STAMP: spatial–temporal analysis of moving polygons2007/04/04English41
Productivity convergence and spatial dependence among Spanish regions2005/06/01English41
Opening practice: supporting reproducibility and critical spatial data science2020/08/08English41
Testing for spatial association of qualitative data using symbolic dynamics2009/10/24English40
Software for Bayesian cross section and panel spatial model comparison2015/09/09English40
Web-based analytical tools for the exploration of spatial data2004/06/01English40
A Web GIS collaborative framework to structure and manage distributed planning processes2004/06/01English39
Modeling spatial autocorrelation in spatial interaction data: empirical evidence from 2002 Germany journey-to-work flows2009/02/20English39
What is the difference between two maps? A remote senser’s view2006/05/12English38
Accessibility in space and time: A theme in spatially integrated social science2003/05/0138
Aggregate accessibility to population at the county level: U.S. 1940-20002003/05/0138
Toward micro-scale spatial modeling of gentrification2002/10/0138
Geospatial data resampling and resolution effects on watershed modeling: A case study using the agricultural non-point source pollution model2004/10/01English37
Detecting space–time clusters of COVID-19 in Brazil: mortality, inequality, socioeconomic vulnerability, and the relative risk of the disease in Brazilian municipalities2021/01/01English37
Exploring links between juvenile offenders and social disorganization at a large map scale: a Bayesian spatial modeling approach2012/03/22English37
Hidden negative spatial autocorrelation2006/09/26English36
A generic regional spatio-temporal co-occurrence pattern mining model: a case study for air pollution2015/06/25English36
Investigating the association between weather conditions, calendar events and socio-economic patterns with trends in fire incidence: an Australian case study2009/12/03English35
Geodemographics as a tool for targeting neighbourhoods in public health campaigns2010/05/05English35
Detecting clusters of disease with R2005/06/01English35
Bayesian dynamic modeling for large space-time datasets using Gaussian predictive processes2011/08/26English34
From locational fundamentals to increasing returns: the spatial concentration of population in Spain, 1787–20002009/08/01English34
Comparing the fractality of European urban neighbourhoods: do national contexts matter?2010/11/24English33
Accuracy of areal interpolation: A comparison of alternative methods1999/12/3133
Categorical maps, comparisons, and confidence2006/04/22English33