Journal of Geographical Systems

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The impacts of Walter Isard on geography2004/04/01
Walter Isard?s influence on analytical human geographic research2004/04/01
Geographic intersections of regional science: Reflections on Walter Isard?s contributions to geography2004/04/01
Assessing polygon edge integrity2001/05/10English
Control sample design using a geodemographic discriminator: An application of Super Profiles2001/08/01English
A computational approach for the analysis of changes in polygon distributions2001/08/01English
A GIS-based decision support system for analysis of route choice in congested urban road networks2001/05/10English
An exploratory method for detecting multi-level clumps in the distribution of points – a computational tool, VCM (variable clumping method)2000/07/06English
Volume-preserving interpolation of a smooth surface from polygon-related data2001/08/01English
The zone-size-dependent entropy formula and spatial interaction modelling: An additional note2000/07/06English
Estimated population mixing by country and risk cohort for the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Western Europe2001/09/01English
Railway network design with multiple project stages and time sequencing2001/05/10English
GeoComputation and Spatial Analysis2001/11/01English
Providing scientific visualization for spatial data analysis: Criteria and an assessment of SAGE2000/07/06English
Designing and implementing software for spatial statistical analysis in a GIS environment2000/09/19English
Thematic mapping from remotely sensed data with neural networks: MLP, RBF and PNN based approaches2001/11/01English
Interactive analysis of the spatial distribution of disease using a geographic information systems2000/09/19English
The development of computer networks: First results from a microeconomic model2001/08/01English
Resel filtering to aid visualisation within an exploratory data analysis system2000/12/14English
A spatial decision support system prototype for housing mobility program planning2001/05/10English
Distance predicting functions and applied location-allocation models.2000/07/06English
Endogenous spatial regimes2023/06/01English
Spatial machine learning for predicting physical inactivity prevalence from socioecological determinants in Chicago, Illinois, USA2023/06/05English
2023 JGS best paper award and the editors’ choice paper volume 26(1)2024/01/01English
Geovisualization: an optimization algorithm of viewpoint generation for 3D cadastral property units2023/10/08English
Inspired by Art2024/01/16English
Unveiling the impact of machine learning algorithms on the quality of online geocoding services: a case study using COVID-19 data2024/01/25English
A structured comparison of causal machine learning methods to assess heterogeneous treatment effects in spatial data2023/06/14English
The importance of Arthur Getis to spatial demography2023/09/09English