
Title Publication Date Language Citations
The grammatical properties of mass nouns: An aphasia case study1997/04/01English
Selective spatial memory impairment after right unilateral temporal lobectomy1998/09/01English
The role of the parietal cortex in visual attention—hemispheric asymmetries and the effects of learning: a magnetic stimulation study1998/11/01English
An investigation of the time course of flanker effects in the landmark task2001/01/01English
Book review1999/08/01English
Confrontation naming after anterior temporal lobectomy is related to age of acquisition of the object names2000/01/01English
Unconscious influences on amnesics' word-stem completion1997/04/01English
On the modularity of recognition memory for object form and spatial location: a topographic ERP analysis1998/05/01English
The development of drawing in children with congenital focal brain injury: Evidence for limited functional recovery1997/02/01English
Electrophysiological dissociation between verbal and nonverbal semantic processing in learning disabled adults2000/12/01English
Revisiting the effect of visual illusions on grasping in left and right handers2024/03/01English
Why consciousness?2024/04/01English
Implicit perception in patients with visual neglect: Lexical specificity in repetition priming2001/01/01English
Consistency among different tasks of left–right asymmetries in lines of fish originally selected for opposite direction of lateralization in a detour task2001/01/01English
Motor and perceptual factors in pseudoneglect1999/06/01
Covert visual spatial attention in boys with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder: Lateral effects, methylphenidate response and results for parents1997/01/01English
Fast adjustments of ongoing movements in hemiparetic cerebral palsy2002/01/01
The Evaluation and Treatment of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury2000/01/01English
Neurobiological measures of human selective attention2001/01/01English
The eye movements of pure alexic patients during reading and nonreading tasks2001/01/01English
ERP indexes of functional differences in brain activation during proper and common names retrieval2001/01/01English
Sex and cognition2000/06/01English
Memory for spatial location in ‘de novo’ parkinsonian patients1997/02/01English
Event-related neural activity associated with habit and recollection2002/01/01English
Agnosia for object orientation: Implications for theories of object recognition1997/01/01English
Focal retrograde amnesia associated with vascular headache1998/12/01English
Deficits in irregular past-tense verb morphology associated with degraded semantic knowledge2001/01/01English
Movement accuracy constraints in Parkinson's disease patients2000/02/01
Face recognition and postero-inferior hemispheric lesions1997/12/01English