
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Pointing and grasping in unilateral visual neglect: effectof on-line visual feedback in grasping1999/07/01
Imagined transformations of bodies: an fMRI investigation1999/08/01English
Neglect-associated constructional disorders: aparadoxical phenomenon?1999/02/01English
Influence of perceptual and semantic conflicts between the two halves of chimeric stimuli on the expression of visuo-spatial neglect1997/04/01English
Auditory sustained attention is a marker of unilateral spatial neglect1997/12/01English
Dissociation of visual and spatial processing in working memory1997/04/01English
Book review1998/12/01English
Explicit processing of melodic structure in congenital amusia can be improved by redescription-associate learning2023/04/01English
Semantic cognition in healthy ageing: Neural signatures of representation and control mechanisms in naming typical and atypical objects2023/06/01English
Verbal recall in amnesia: Does scene construction matter?2023/06/01English
Stimulus modulation of pseudoneglect: influence of line geometry2000/04/01English
Amygdala lesion in temporal lobe epilepsy subjects impairs associative learning of emotional facial expressions2001/01/01English
Interhemispheric relations in hierarchical perception: A second look1997/01/01English
Visual discrimination and attention after bilateral temporal-lobe lesions: a case study1998/10/01English
The effect of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) on implicit memory: skill learning and perceptual priming in patients with major depression2000/09/01English
Functional differences in the semantic processing of concrete and abstract words2001/01/01English
Time-related changes in task performance after lesions restricted to the frontal cortex2001/01/01English
Classical anomia: a neuropsychological perspective on speech production2000/02/01
The effects of early adversity on neurobehavioral development.2001/01/01English
Preference formation and working memory in Parkinson's disease and normal ageing2002/01/01English
Dichotic listening in patients with situs inversus:brain asymmetry and situs asymmetry1999/06/01
Inhibition of ongoing responses in patients with traumatic brain injury2002/01/01
Abnormal gaze strategies during problem solving in Parkinson's disease2002/01/01
Topography of evoked brain activity during mental arithmetic and language tasks: sex differences1999/04/01English
Auditory attentional shifts in reading-disabled students: quantification of attentional effectiveness by the Attentional Shift Index1998/02/01English
Multimodal spatial orientation deficits in left-sided visual neglect1999/11/01English
Brain systems engaged in encoding and retrieval of word-pair associates independent of their imagery content or presentation modalities2002/01/01
Organization of working memory within the human prefrontal cortex: a PET study of self-ordered object working memory2000/10/01English
An experimental analysis of unintentional lower limb action2001/01/01English