
Title Publication Date Language Citations
Impaired face and word recognition without object agnosia1998/10/01English
Birth order and left-handedness revisited: some recent findings in chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and their implications for developmental and evolutionary models of human handedness2000/10/01English
Word-stem completion priming for perceptually and conceptually encoded words in patients with Alzheimer's disease1997/01/01English
Examining the consistency in bilingualism and white matter research: A meta-analysis2024/03/01English
Editorial Board2023/08/01English
Intact procedural memory and impaired auditory statistical learning in adults with dyslexia2023/09/01English
Neural processing of observed performance-based errors and rewards in the context of friends and unfamiliar peers across adolescence2023/09/01English
Tuning to non-veridical features in attention and perceptual decision-making: An EEG study2023/09/01English
Neuroimaging of social motivation during winning and losing: Associations with social anhedonia across the psychosis spectrum2023/09/01English
Effects of the social context on the neurophysiological correlates of observed error monitoring2023/03/01English
Editorial Board2023/02/01English
The role of left temporo-parietal and inferior frontal cortex in comprehending syntactically complex sentences: A brain stimulation study2023/02/01English
Children show neural sensitivity to facial trustworthiness as measured by fast periodic visual stimulation2023/02/01English
News event memory in amnestic and non-amnestic MCI, heritable risk for dementia, and subjective memory complaintsEnglish
Le langage des dementsL. Irigaray, Mouton, La Hague-Paris, 1973, 357 [[., 68 frs1974/07/01English
The sign effect in temporal discounting does not require the hippocampusEnglish
Attentional grasp in far extrapersonal space after thalamic infarction2000/06/01English
Volume 35, 1997, contents1997/01/01English
Sustained attention deficit in bipolar disorder is not a working memory impairment in disguise2002/01/01English
A functional MRI case study of acquired cerebral dyschromatopsia2000/07/01
The Neurolinguistics of Bilingualism: An Introduction2000/04/01English
The effects of repetition on allocation of study time and judgements of learning in Alzheimer’s disease2000/06/01English
Editorial Board2024/03/01English
Developmental trends in right hemispheric participation in reading2000/04/01English
Neural segregation and integration of sensory, decision, and action processes during object categorization2023/11/01English
The pain hidden in your hands: Facial expression of pain reduces the influence of goal-related information in action recognition2023/10/01English
Sensory processing of native and non-native phonotactic patterns in the alpha and beta frequency bands2023/10/01English
Cortical functional networks of transcutaneous electrical stimulation at acupoints on the pericardial meridian2023/10/01English
Editorial Board2023/09/01English
Slower rates of prism adaptation but intact aftereffects in patients with early to mid-stage Parkinson's disease2023/10/01English