Text and Performance Quarterly

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Remembering Praxis: Performance in the Digital Age2005/04/01English11
The Digital Shoals: On Becoming and Sensation in Performance2012/07/01English10
Hopeless Activism: Performance in the Anthropocene*2016/10/01English10
The Wisdom of Folly: Disrupting Masculinity inKing of the Hill1 This essay is derived from her dissertation, “Burdened Bodies: A Rhetorical Analysis of White Masculinity in US Media,” Wayne State University, 2002 (Mary M. Garrett, dir.). A version of the essay was presented at the 2002 Central States Communication Association Conference in Milwaukee.2006/04/01English10
Mobility: AXIS Dancers Push the Boundaries of Access2008/01/01English10
Gay Rapping and Possibilities: A Quare Reading of “Throw that Boy P***y”2015/04/30English10
Performance Constellations: Memory and Event in Digitally Enabled Protests in the Americas2014/11/20English10
Acting Naturally Unnaturally: The Performative Nature of Authenticity in Contemporary Popular Music2008/10/01English10
“Homo”-work: Queering Academic Communication and Communicating Queer in Academia2013/01/01English10
Organizational Politics of Place and Space: The Perpetual Liminoid Performance of Commercial Flight2002/10/01English10
Introduction: Performance Ethnography: ATPQSymposium2006/10/01English10
The actor's bodies1997/07/01English10
[Walking through a] ghost town: Cultural hauntologie in Mostar, Bosnia‐Herzegovina or Mostar: A performance review1998/04/01English10
In search of Naunny's Grave1998/10/01English10
Rhetorical hermeneutics revisited1991/07/01English10
Breathing Darrell:Solo performance as a contribution to a useful queer mythology2000/01/01English10
Performing public announcements: The case of flight attendants’ work discourse1994/07/01English10
The politics of asking women's questions: Voice and value in the poetry of Adrienne Rich1989/01/01English10
Becoming‐other‐wise: Conversational performance and the politics of experience1998/10/01English10
Painful stories from camp anuenue: Enactment and reenactment2001/04/01English10
Race lynching and Christian Evangelicalism: performances of faith2004/07/01English9
Performance criticism and questions of value1991/04/01English9
Visual imagery as communication1992/01/01English9
“Novelizing” the stage: Chamber theatre after breen and Bakhtin1995/01/01English9
Staging Stain Upon the Snow: Performance as a critical enfleshment of whiteness2001/10/01English9
Treading AcrossLines in the Sand: Performing Bodies in Coalitional Subjectivity2010/07/01English9
Josephine Baker andLa Revue Negre: from ethnography to performance2003/04/01English9
The Rhetorical “Realness” of Race, or Why Critical Race Rhetoricians Need Performance Studies2013/12/10English9
Interdisciplinary Terrains of Performance Studies2007/10/01English9
Performing reflexive caring: rethinking reflexivity through trauma and disability2017/01/02English9