IEEE Microwave and Wireless Technology Letters

Title Publication Date Language Citations
W-Band Graded-Channel GaN HEMTs With Record 45% Power-Added-Efficiency at 94 GHz2023/02/015
First Demonstration of Four-Finger N-polar GaN HEMT Exhibiting Record 712-mW Output Power With 31.7% PAE at 94 GHz2023/06/014
A Dual-Band Rectifier Using Half-Wave Transmission Line Matching for 5G and Wi-Fi Bands RFEH/MPT Applications2023/01/013
Enhancement-Mode 300-mm GaN-on-Si(111) With Integrated Si CMOS for Future mm-Wave RF Applications2023/06/013
High-Power Microwave Limiters Using Recess-Free AlGaN/GaN Schottky Barrier Diodes2023/02/013
Wideband pHEMT Digital Attenuator With Positive Voltage Control Driver2023/03/012
Highly Selective Broadband mm-Wave Diplexer Design2023/02/012
An Isolated Waveguide Divider for W-Band Power Combined Amplifier2023/05/012
Dual Band Metasurface Integrated With Wideband Power Combiner for RF Energy Harvesting2023/09/012
5.9 GHz Longitudinal Leaky SAW Filter With FBW of 9.2% and IL of 1.8 dB Using LN/Quartz Structure2023/10/012
Design of Dual-Band Inverse Class-F Rectifier for Wireless Power Transfer and Energy Harvesting2023/03/012
Demonstration of a Double Flat-Roofed Sine Waveguide Slow Wave Structure With Low Loss for 220-GHz Traveling-Wave Tube2023/03/011
A 60-GHz 8.4-dBm Output Power OOK-Capable VCO Based on a Feedback Class-E Amplifier2023/03/011
C-Band High Harmonics Suppression GaN Power Amplifier MMIC for Multiradar Network Application2023/03/011
A 5.15–6.425 GHz Stagger-Tuning Neutralized Power Amplifier Using a Continuous-Mode Harmonically Tuned Network2023/02/011
Designing a Frequency Multiplier Based on Conventional X-Parameters2023/01/011
Wideband Analysis and Prolongation of Surrounding TGVs Shielding Structure in 3-D ICs2023/01/011
A Novel Microwave Nonreciprocal Isolator Based on Frequency Mixers2023/07/011
A 10-Gb/s 275-fsec Jitter Cryo-CMOS Charge-Sampling CDR for Quantum Computing Application2023/06/011
The Strongly Coupled Resonator Quadruplet2023/08/011
D-Band Air-Filled Substrate Integrated Waveguide (AFSIW) and Broadband Stripline to AFSIW Launcher Embedded in Multi-Layer PCBs2023/06/011
A 220-GHz Balanced Frequency Tripler With Independently Biased Schottky Diodes2023/07/011
A mm-Wave Trilayer AlN/ScAlN/AlN Higher Order Mode FBAR2023/06/011
Synthesis of Wideband Cross-Coupled Resonator Filter for Direct Circuit Implementation Using Lumped Elements2023/06/011
Schottky Barrier Gate N-Polar GaN-on-Sapphire Deep Recess HEMT With Record 10.5 dB Linear Gain and 50.2% PAE at 94 GHz2024/02/011
An Ultrawideband Differential Magnetic-Field Probe for Near-Field Scanning2023/02/011
High Inductance Density Glass Embedded Inductors for 3-D Integration2023/06/011
A Compact Ka-Band Eight-Element Four-Beam Receiver for Low-Earth-Orbit Satellite Communications in 65-nm CMOS2023/06/011
Implementation of ADE-CFS-PML for the Single Field WCS-FDTD Method2023/07/011
A 433-MHz Compact Inverse Class-F Rectifier for Biomedical Wireless Power Transmission2023/06/011