Studies in the Education of Adults

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Discourses, dialogue and diversity in biographical research2022/03/28English
African social movement learning: the case of the Ada Songor Movement2022/03/28English
Doing critical and creative research in adult education2022/03/28English
Employing the lens of andragogy theory to understand Vietnamese tertiary EFL lecturers’ perceived needs for professional development (PD)2022/11/10English
The power of narrative storytelling: How podcasts as an arts-based practice enhance solidarity and social activism in adult education2022/07/03English
‘When my home is your business’: Transforming stories of housing in a post-industrial city2021/02/08English
Becoming a White antiracist: a practical guide for educators, leaders and activists2022/03/25English
Collective capacity building: Shaping education and communication in knowledge society2022/03/23English
Editorial Board2016/07/02English
Popular culture as pedagogy: Research in the field of adult education2017/03/06English
Global perspectives on adult education and learning policy2017/02/13English
Adult literacy policy and practice: From intrinsic values to instrumentalism2017/03/06English
Working and learning in times of uncertainty2017/03/06English
Book Reviews1990/10/01English
A case of public pedagogy in Icelandic museums2016/07/02English
Tamiko Thiel’s virtual reality installations as sites of learning in and beyond the museum2016/07/02English
Keeping up with the times in Ireland: Older adults bridging the age-based digital divide together?2024/02/29English
South African Kha Ri Gude mass literacy campaign and Australian Aboriginal adult literacy campaign ‘Yes, I can!’: a comparative study2023/12/07English
Becoming a university educator in Canada: Learning experiences of two tenure-track women faculty members2023/11/22English
‘The people, the spaces, the talking!’ Igniting community-based higher education2023/11/23English
‘Conversations with strangers’ – autoethnography and the salvaging of a ‘precarious’ masculinity2023/07/03English
From occupational to organisational professionalism: Exploring the changing nature of professionalism in community learning and development (1975–2019)2023/11/20English
Lifelong learning: The red-headed stepchild of Lebanon’s National Strategy for Older People2023/10/25English
Maternal health literacy and postpartum complication readiness among nursing mothers: Implications for adult literacy educators in Southern Cross River State, Nigeria2023/11/07English
Achieving human potential through community learning centres in Ghana: a capabilities approach to community development2024/03/15English
Diverse discourses and knowledge in a changing adult learning landscape2024/01/02English
The psychometric properties of the lifelong learning measurement scale (LLMS): the study of validation in higher education setting2024/03/25English
Taking stock of youth and adult educational policies in Chile and Peru in a changing landscape2023/09/13English
‘Strengthening [the] family’ through adult education in Turkey: a critical discourse analysis of a family education programme2023/07/03English
Outside of the box: Inspiring Women Among Us (IWAU) as public pedagogy on gender and inclusion via learning in community2023/07/03English