Cambridge Journal of Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Understanding teacher identity: an overview of issues in the literature and implications for teacher education2009/05/27English910
Leading Educational Change: reflections on the practice of instructional and transformational leadership2003/11/01English579
Thinking about Feeling: the emotions in teaching1996/11/01English329
Creating a Living Educational Theory from Questions of the Kind, ‘How do I Improve my Practice?’1989/01/01English236
Pupil Participation and Pupil Perspective: 'carving a new order of experience'2000/03/01English229
Learning and Teaching about Values: A review of recent research2000/06/01English191
Still no pedagogy? principle, pragmatism and compliance in primary education2004/03/01English168
Teacher Vulnerability: understanding its moral and political roots1996/11/01English156
Collaborative reasoning: a dialogic approach to group discussions2009/03/01English146
Bridging the gap between research and practice2005/11/01English144
Leadership for Organisational Learning and Improved Student Outcomes—What Do We Know?2003/07/01English142
From teaching citizenship to learning democracy: overcoming individualism in research, policy and practice2006/03/01English140
Doing Good and Feeling Bad: the work of women university teachers1996/11/01English132
The Trouble with Competence1991/01/01English125
Feeling Deprofessionalised: the social construction of emotions during an OFSTED inspection1996/11/01English101
Science Without Literacy: A ship without a sail?2002/06/01English100
The Paradox of Case Study1996/06/01English96
Labour, Learning and the Economy: a ‘policy sociology’ perspective1999/06/01English94
Curriculum Reform in South Africa: a critical analysis of outcomes‐based education1998/11/01English92
‘Explain to your partner’: teachers' instructional practices and students' dialogue in small groups2009/03/01English91
Interactive or inactive? a consideration of the nature of interaction in whole class teaching2004/03/01English89
Action Competence and Environmental Education1999/11/01English89
Education for Sustainable Development: a coherent philosophy for environmental education?1999/11/01English88
Assessment for learning? Thinking outside the (black) box2005/06/01English87
Environmental Education and Primary Children's Attitudes towards Nature and the Environment1998/06/01English85
Education for Environmental Action in the Community: new roles and relationships1999/11/01English81
Just picking it up? Young children learning with technology at home2008/09/01English78
Teacher Leadership: towards a research agenda2003/11/01English72
Identifying and responding to needs in education2005/06/01English70
Back to the Future: The higher education curriculum in the 21st century2000/03/01English69