Journal of Applied Sciences

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Classification of All Cyclic Codes over the Finite Chain Ring Z4+wZ4 of Length 4s2013/03/15
A Beacon-enabled Least-time and Energy Efficient With One-level Data Aggregation Routing Protocol for WSNs using IEEE 802.15.42013/03/15
An Applied Study via Structural Equation Modeling on Disclosure2013/03/15
A Method on Fault Detection and Isolation of the Actuator Mechanism2013/03/15
A Novel Compact Ultra-wideband Monopole Microstrip Filtenna2013/03/15
CFD Simulating to Compare Tangential-inlet Swirl Nozzle with Coaxial Nozzle on Internal Flow for Preparing Nano-drug in SEDS Process2013/03/15
Research and Application of Railway Logistics Information Sharing System Based on SOA2013/03/15
Evaluation of Stone Mastic Asphalt using Shell Ash as Filler Material2013/03/15
Automobile Longitudinal Axis Extraction Based on Symmetric Points Detection2013/03/15
Evaluation Research of College Experimental Teaching Based on the Theory of Fuzzy Mathematic and Analytic Hierarchy Process2013/03/15
Proposing a Smart and Intelligent System to Assist the Blind Community Based on Advance Technologies2013/03/15
Intra-industry Trade, Knowledge and Adjustment Costs2011/07/01
Retracted: X-Ray Reflectivity Optimization of Zinc Oxide Thin Film by Genetic Algorithm and Fourier Transformation2011/07/01
Metabolites Profiling of Heat Treated Whole Palm Oil Extract2011/06/15
Unsteady State Modeling and Analysis of a Passive Liquid-feed DMFC2011/06/15
Combined Titrimetric Respirometer as a Real-Time Sensor to Monitor the Aerobic Biodegradation Process of Different Substrates2011/06/15
Hydromechanical Coupling Behavior Effects on The Bisotun Epigraph Damaging Process2011/07/15
Taxonomy of Brain White Matter under Normal and Abnormal Conditions using Stochastic Properties of Brain2011/07/15
Parametric Estimation of the Immunes Proportion based on BCH Model and Exponential Distribution using Left Censored Data2011/07/15
Non-Dimensional Seismic Charts of Active and Passive Forces in Retaining Walls using Stress Fields2011/07/15
Optimal Computerized Model for Designing Cellular Manufacturing Systems using Neural Network2011/07/15
Competitive Analysis of Two Special Bahncard Replacement Problem2009/03/01
A Novel Design of Ternary Galois Field Based on Carbon Nano Tube FETs2009/03/01
Strategic Thinking or Thinking of a Strategist?2009/03/01
Regional Analysis of Low Flow in Karkheh and Karoon Watersheds2009/03/01
Numerical Analysis of Interaction Between Earth and Large Foundations Regarding Size Effect2009/03/01
Suitability of Underground Water for Irrigated Agriculture in Some Parts of Botswana2005/07/15
Study on Suppression with Multi-frequency Interference in HFC2005/07/15
Modeling of All Nonlinear Guided Wave Including MQW Structure2005/07/15
Breakdown Strength Improvement of Polyethylene Insulation used in Power System Cables2005/07/15