Exploratory Orientation as an Educational Goal | 2006/06/01 | English | 104 |
Studying Triggers for Interest and Engagement Using Observational Methods | 2015/01/02 | English | 104 |
Problem-Solving Strategies | 1986/01/01 | English | 103 |
Culturalizing Achievement Goal Theory and Research | 2011/10/01 | English | 103 |
The Cognitive-Situative Divide and the Problem of Conceptual Change | 2007/01/01 | English | 102 |
Implications of postmodernism for science, or, science as progressive discourse | 1994/01/01 | English | 102 |
Enhancing Student Motivation: A Schoolwide Approach | 1991/06/01 | English | 102 |
ASK to THINK-TEL WHY: A model of transactive peer tutoring for scaffolding higher level complex learning | 1997/09/01 | English | 102 |
Goal-Directed Behavior and Contextual Factors in the Classroom: An Innovative Approach to the Study of Multiple Goals | 2006/03/01 | English | 101 |
Developing Students' Appreciation for What Is Taught in School | 2008/07/29 | English | 101 |
Knowledge structure and problem solving in physics | 1982/06/01 | English | 100 |
Comprehension of Multiple Documents With Conflicting Information: A Two-Step Model of Validation | 2017/05/25 | English | 100 |
Knowledge to Go: A Motivational and Dispositional View of Transfer | 2012/07/01 | English | 100 |
Is Direct Instruction an Answer to the Right Question? | 2007/04/26 | English | 100 |
Developing Who I Am: A Self-Determination Theory Approach to the Establishment of Healthy Identities | 2009/05/13 | English | 99 |
Sociocultural approaches to learning and development: A Vygotskian framework | 1996/06/01 | English | 99 |
A Framework for Conceptualizing and Evaluating the Validity of Instructionally Relevant Assessments | 2016/01/02 | English | 98 |
On the Theoretical Breadth of Design-Based Research in Education | 2004/09/01 | English | 98 |
Argumentation, Dialogue Theory, and Probability Modeling: Alternative Frameworks for Argumentation Research in Education | 2011/04/08 | English | 97 |
The Impact of Evaluation Processes on Students | 1987/03/01 | English | 97 |
Emotion Regulation in Achievement Situations: An Integrated Model | 2019/04/03 | English | 97 |
Teacher emotions in the classroom and their implications for students | 2021/10/02 | English | 97 |
Multiple Intelligences, the Mozart Effect, and Emotional Intelligence: A Critical Review | 2006/12/01 | English | 97 |
Teaching the Conceptual Structure of Mathematics | 2012/07/01 | English | 96 |
A Theoretical Framework and Approach for Fostering Metacognitive Development | 2005/09/01 | English | 96 |
The Role of Epistemic Emotions in Personal Epistemology and Self-Regulated Learning | 2018/02/08 | English | 95 |
How Does Expansive Framing Promote Transfer? Several Proposed Explanations and a Research Agenda for Investigating Them | 2012/07/01 | English | 95 |
An Education in Awareness: Self, Motivation, and Self-Regulated Learning in Contemplative Perspective | 2009/05/13 | English | 92 |
Understanding and Engagement in Places of Science Experience: Science Museums, Science Centers, Zoos, and Aquariums | 2014/04/03 | English | 92 |
Scientific Literacy: The Role of Goal-Directed Reading and Evaluation in Understanding Scientific Information | 2014/04/03 | English | 92 |