European Journal of Special Needs Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Is contact with people with disabilities a guarantee for positive implicit and explicit attitudes?2011/11/01English26
Quality of individualised education programme goals and objectives for preschool children with disabilities2014/12/02English26
Attitude towards inclusive education: the perspective of Slovenian preschool and primary school teachers2017/03/13English26
Inclusion or exclusion? Transitions among special needs students in upper secondary education in Norway2002/10/01English26
Ultra-orthodox Jewish teachers' self-efficacy and willingness for inclusion of pupils with special needs2001/10/01English26
The SENCO role in post-primary schools in Ireland: victims or agents of change?2017/02/21English25
Title: what about my voice? Autistic young girls’ experiences of mainstream school2018/12/13English25
Teacher education for inclusion, international perspectives2013/05/01English25
Exploring opportunities available and perceived barriers to physical activity engagement in children and young people with Down syndrome2013/08/01English25
Ready, willing and able? Attitudes and concerns in relation to inclusion amongst a cohort of Irish pre-service teachers2013/08/01English25
Inclusion and exclusion in the early years: conversations with European educators2004/10/01English25
Multi‐sensory storytelling as an aid to assisting people with profound intellectual disabilities to cope with sensitive issues: a multiple research methods analysis of engagement and outcomes2011/05/01English25
Using Lesson Study to develop teaching approaches for secondary school pupils with moderate learning difficulties: teachers’ concepts, attitudes and pedagogic strategies2012/08/01English25
What is the meaning of special education? Problem representations in Swedish policy documents: late 1970s–20142014/10/13English25
School placement and classroom participation among children with disabilities in primary school in Norway: a longitudinal study2008/11/01English25
The effects of computer technology in assisting the development of literacy in young struggling readers and spellers2005/02/01English25
Evidence from full-inclusion model: the social position and sense of belonging of students with special educational needs and their peers in Italian primary school2013/08/01English24
Student voices on social exclusion in general primary schools2018/01/21English24
Loneliness experience during distance learning among college students with ADHD: the mediating role of perceived support and hope2020/12/28English24
The Dutch policy of integration put to the test: differences in academic and psychosocial development of pupils in special and mainstream education2001/10/01English24
Cultural basis of social ‘deficits’ in autism spectrum disorders2014/04/29English24
Formulation and realization of social justice: the compulsory school for all in Sweden and Norway1999/10/01English24
Exclusion from school: short‐term setback or a long term of difficulties?2010/05/01English24
Pupils as partners in education decision‐making: responding to the legislation in England and Ireland2008/11/01English24
How are conditions for participation expressed in education policy documents? A review of documents in Scotland and Sweden2011/05/01English24
What is the purpose? Reflections on inclusion and special education from a capability perspective2010/02/01English24
Making sense of ‘teaching’, ‘support’ and ‘differentiation’: the educational experiences of pupils with Education, Health and Care Plans and Statements in mainstream secondary schools2018/04/05English24
Teacher strategies for effective intervention with students presenting social, emotional and behavioural difficulties: an international review2011/02/01English23
Assessing dimensions of inclusion from students’ perspective – measurement invariance across students with learning disabilities in different educational settings2019/07/25English23
Loneliness, sense of coherence and perception of teachers as a secure base among children with reading difficulties2006/02/01English23