Industrial Marketing Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Non-linear relationship between industrial service offering and sales growth: The moderating role of network capabilities2013/11/01English216
Coopetition and COVID-19: Collaborative business-to-business marketing strategies in a pandemic crisis2020/07/01English215
Digital servitization in manufacturing: A systematic literature review and research agenda2020/08/01English215
Power and interdependence in buyer supplier relationships: A purchasing portfolio approach2007/02/01English214
Depth and breadth of external knowledge search and performance: The mediating role of absorptive capacity2015/05/01English210
Internet of things technologies, digital servitization and business model innovation in BtoB manufacturing firms2020/08/01English209
Entrepreneurship: Its relationship with market orientation and learning orientation and as antecedents to innovation and customer value2011/04/01English208
‘Good’ case research in industrial marketing: Insights from research practice2010/01/01English207
What makes a good case study? A positivist review of qualitative case research published in Industrial Marketing Management, 1971–20062010/01/01English207
Developing integrated solutions: The importance of relationships within the network2006/10/01English202
Sources and management of tension in co-opetition case evidence from telecommunications satellites manufacturing in Europe2014/02/01English202
Managing tensions in coopetition2014/02/01English200
Power to all our friends? Living with imbalance in supplier–retailer relationships2005/11/01English199
Removing the fuzziness from the fuzzy front-end of service innovations through customer interactions2006/05/01English198
Value co-creation in solution networks2013/01/01English198
Service growth in product firms: Past, present, and future2017/01/01English197
Identifying service strategies in product manufacturing companies by exploring environment–strategy configurations2008/05/01English193
Firm innovativeness and business performance: The joint moderating effects of market turbulence and competition2013/11/01English192
Buyer-supplier relationships today1993/11/01English191
A systematic review of research on coopetition: Toward a multilevel understanding2016/08/01English191
Global sourcing strategy and sustainable competitive advantage2004/01/01English191
Coopetition and product innovation performance: The role of internal knowledge sharing mechanisms and formal knowledge protection mechanisms2016/02/01English190
Sustainability and business-to-business marketing: A framework and implications2010/02/01English190
Predevelopment activities determine new product success1988/08/01English188
Does social capital matter for supply chain resilience? The role of absorptive capacity and marketing-supply chain management alignment2020/01/01English187
Value creation in the relationship life cycle: A quasi-longitudinal analysis2006/01/01English186
‘It's almost like taking the sales out of selling’—Towards a conceptualization of value-based selling in business markets2012/01/01English184
The determinants of relational governance and performance: How to manage business relationships?2003/11/01English183
Marketing capabilities: Antecedents and implications for B2B SME performance2011/04/01English183
Entrepreneurial orientation, exploitative and explorative capabilities, and performance outcomes in export markets: A resource-based approach2011/11/01English182