Industrial Marketing Management

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Innovativeness: Its antecedents and impact on business performance2004/07/01English1,094
It's all B2B…and beyond: Toward a systems perspective of the market2011/02/01English787
Deconstructing the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and business performance at the embryonic stage of firm growth2007/07/01English544
Dealing with endogeneity bias: The generalized method of moments (GMM) for panel data2018/05/01English522
The impact of information technology on supply chain capabilities and firm performance: A resource-based view2006/05/01English512
Critical realism in case study research2010/01/01English508
Value co-creation in knowledge intensive business services: A dyadic perspective on the joint problem solving process2012/01/01English469
From goods to service(s): Divergences and convergences of logics2008/05/01English456
Usage, barriers and measurement of social media marketing: An exploratory investigation of small and medium B2B brands2011/10/01English441
The influence of brand image and company reputation where manufacturers market to small firms: A customer value perspective2007/02/01English426
Corporate reputation and customer behavioral intentions: The roles of trust, identification and commitment2009/10/01English423
Coopetition—Quo vadis? Past accomplishments and future challenges2014/02/01English376
Boosting servitization through digitization: Pathways and dynamic resource configurations for manufacturers2017/01/01English371
Innovation through institutionalization: A service ecosystems perspective2015/01/01English366
Managing in complex business networks2004/04/01English362
A service perspective on business relationships: The value creation, interaction and marketing interface2011/02/01English346
To recover faster from Covid-19, open up: Managerial implications from an open innovation perspective2020/07/01English343
Value in business markets: What do we know? Where are we going?2005/10/01English342
Capturing value creation in business relationships: A customer perspective2003/11/01English339
Servitization, digitization and supply chain interdependency2017/01/01English331
Environmental orientation and corporate performance: The mediation mechanism of green supply chain management and moderating effect of competitive intensity2012/05/01English329
The positive effects of relationship learning and absorptive capacity on innovation performance and competitive advantage in industrial markets2009/02/01English328
Modeling agility of supply chain2007/05/01English328
Organizing for solutions: Systems seller vs. systems integrator2007/02/01English309
Leadership and organizational learning's role on innovation and performance: Lessons from Spain2007/04/01English297
Waiting for a sales renaissance in the fourth industrial revolution: Machine learning and artificial intelligence in sales research and practice2018/02/01English297
Entrepreneurial orientation and firm performance: The role of knowledge creation process2009/05/01English295
Digitization capability and the digitalization of business models in business-to-business firms: Past, present, and future2020/04/01English291
Managing your corporate images1986/05/01English287
Social media: Influencing customer satisfaction in B2B sales2016/02/01English280