Functional Analysis and Its Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Extremal cocycles of weyl groups1987/07/01English
Cobordisms of lagrangian immersions in the space of the cotangent bundle of a manifold1987/07/01English
A theorem on the structure of wave fronts and its applications in symplectic topology1987/07/01English
Hamiltonian differential operators and contact geometry1987/07/01English
Irreducible finite-dimensional representations of lie superalgebras g1(n, 1) in the gel'fand-tsetlin basis1987/07/01English
Distribution of the values of holomorphic mappings of Cm into a banach space1987/07/01English
Multiplicity of the spectrum of toeplitz operators, weighted cocycles and the vector riemann problem1987/07/01English
ℤ-Graded Trigonometric Lie subalgebras in $$\hat A_\infty ,\hat B_\infty ,\hat C_\infty $$ , and $$\hat D_\infty $$ and their vertex operator representationsand their vertex operator representations1993/01/01English
On local ergodicity in hyperbolic systems with singularities1993/01/01English
Spectra of compact endomorphisms of a semimodule of continuous functions over an idempotent semiring1993/01/01English
An inverse problem with final time additional condition for an abstract evolution equation in an ordered Banach space1993/01/01English
Algebras with polynomial relations associated with a class of representations of Kac—Moody algebras1993/01/01English
Harmonic analysis and the global exponential map for compact Lie groups1993/01/01English
Extensions of a certain weak type operator1993/01/01English
On the approximation to solutions of operator equations by the least squares method2005/01/01English
On singularities from which an A1 can be split off1993/01/01English
Riemannian metric on a multidimensional three-web and related differential-geometric structures1993/01/01English
Phase-locking for Mathieu-type torus maps1993/01/01English
On the combinatorics of coadjoint orbits1993/01/01English
On the sum of two closed algebras of continuous functions on a compactum1993/01/01English
On Wess—Zumino complexes1993/01/01English
Quaternion supermanifolds1993/01/01English
The asymptotic equidistribution of convolution powers of symmetric probability measures on unimodular groups1993/01/01English
Singularities of Riemannian invariants1993/01/01English
A matrix Sturm—Liouville problem with the eigenvalue parameter in the boundary conditions1993/01/01English
Constructions of Sklyanin elliptic algebras and quantumR-Matrices1993/01/01English
Cohomology of the rational “electric” tetrahedron relation2017/04/01English
Spectra of 3 × 3 upper triangular operator matrices2017/04/01English
Mikhail Semenovich Agranovich2017/04/01English
Lyudvig Dmitrievich Faddeev2017/04/01English