Functional Analysis and Its Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Operational calculus of linear unbounded operators and semigroups1971/01/01English
Intersection matrices for certain singularities of functions of two variables1974/01/01English
Infinite-dimensioned Lie algebras and Dedekind'sη-function1974/01/01English
Structure of the algebra of regular differential operators on a basic affine space1974/01/01English
Elliptic operators on rings of functionals1974/01/01English
The motif of an Abelian variety1974/01/01English
The spectral properties of a certain class of self-adjoint operator functions1974/01/01English
Embedding theorems and intermediate Calderon spaces1974/01/01English
Fixed points of diffeomorphisms of two-dimensional spheres preserving an oriented plane1974/01/01English
The traces of a pseudodifferential operator on immersions and its homotopically stable invariants1974/01/01English
Convex sets in functional spaces1974/01/01English
p-adic L-series of supersingular elliptic curves1974/01/01English
E-compact extensions of topological spaces1974/01/01English
Quillenization and bordism1974/01/01English
Multiplication operators in C*-algebras and the problem of reflexivity of algebras which contain an m.a.s.a.1974/01/01English
Convergence and divergence of Fourier integrals in the Sobolev-spaces pair1974/01/01English
Abelian extensions of fields of CM-type1974/01/01English
Phase transitions of the first kind for small perturbations of the Ising model1974/01/01English
Generating partitions of Markov endomorphisms1974/01/01English
The "universal" deformation of germs of holomorphic mappings1974/01/01English
Ruledness of an algebraic surface with a finite-dimensional nonzero group of classes of zero-dimensional cycles of degree zero modulo rational equivalence1974/01/01English
The analytic extension of the resolvent of outer three-dimensional problems for laplace operators in the second sheet1974/01/01English
Isotropic Hypersurfaces and Minimal Extensions of Lipschitz Functions2005/07/01English
Banach algebra technique for proving an addition formula for spectral multiplicities of sets of operators2007/01/01English
A hyperbolicity criterion for periodic solutions of functional-differential equations: The case of rational periods2007/01/01English
A criterion for instability of systems of linear equations1987/07/01English
Bordism theory and homotopy properties of supermanifolds1987/07/01English
Completeness of left-invariant metrics on Lie groups1987/07/01English
Characteristic classes of structures on manifolds1987/07/01English
Determinantal varieties and symmetric polynomials1987/07/01English