Functional Analysis and Its Applications

Title Publication Date Language Citations
On the sphericity of the subgroup PSL2(ℝ) in the group of diffeomorphisms of the circle2016/04/01English
Topologically injective C*-algebras2016/04/01English
An algebra of continuous functions as a continuous envelope of its subalgebras2016/04/01English
Restricted Partitions: The Polynomial Case2022/12/01English
Unitary Flows with Tensor Simple Spectrum2022/12/01English
On Bloch Solutions of Difference Schrödinger Equations2022/12/01English
On an Elliptic Operator Degenerating on the Boundary2022/12/01English
Resurgence and Partial Theta Series2023/09/01English
Self-Joinings and Generic Extensions of Ergodic Systems2023/09/01English
Two-Dimensional Diffusion Orthogonal Polynomials Ordered by a Weighted Degree2023/09/01English
The Cayley–Hamilton Theorem and Resolvent Representation2023/12/01English
The Mumford Dynamical System and Hyperelliptic Kleinian Functions2023/12/01English
The Mumford Dynamical System and the Gelfand–Dikii Recursion2023/12/01English
The Nonlinear Kantorovich Transportation Problem with Nonconvex Costs2023/12/01English
Full Symmetric Toda System: Solution via QR-Decomposition2023/12/01English
Classification of Measurable Functions of Several Variables and Matrix Distributions2023/12/01English
Remarks on Yangian-Type Algebras and Double Poisson Brackets2023/12/01English
Free Topological Algebra with Separately Continuous Mal’tsev Operation2023/12/01English
Homogenization of Hyperbolic Equations: Operator Estimates with Correctors Taken into Account2023/12/01English
Reconstructions of the Asymptotics of an Integral Determined by a Hyperbolic Unimodal Singularity2023/12/01English
Resolution of Singularities of the Odd Nilpotent Cone of Orthosymplectic Lie Superalgebras2023/09/01English
Linear and Multiplicative Maps under Spectral Conditions2023/09/01English
On Poisson Semigroup Hypercontractivity for Higher-Dimensional Spheres2022/09/01English
Absolute Continuity and Singularity of Spectra for the Flows $$T_t\otimes T_{at}$$2022/09/01English
Criteria for the Property (UWE) and the a-Weyl Theorem2022/09/01English
Cyclic Vectors and Invariant Subspaces of the Backward Shift Operator in Schwartz Modules2022/09/01English
Taylor Spectrum for Modules over Lie Algebras2022/09/01English
Parametric Korteweg–de Vries Hierarchy and Hyperelliptic Sigma Functions2022/09/01English
Homogenization of the Schrödinger-Type Equations: Operator Estimates with Correctors2022/09/01English
Semifinite Harmonic Functions on the Zigzag Graph2022/09/01English