Gravitation and Cosmology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Holographic Ricci Dark Energy with Constant Bulk Viscosity in f(R,T) Gravity2019/01/01English
Peculiarities of Cosmological Models Based on a Nonlinear Asymmetric Scalar Doublet with Minimal Interaction. II. Numerical Analysis2019/01/01English
Influence of Linear Plus Quadratic Interactions Between Dark Components of the Universe on Thermodynamics2019/01/01English
Hidden Symmetries in a Mixmaster-Type Universe2019/01/01English
The Role of Initial Conditions and Parameters of the Model in Evolution of the Universe. Case Study: Brans-Dicke Theory in Einstein Frame2019/01/01English
On the Notions of Energy Tensors in Tetrad-Affine Gravity2018/04/01English
On Cosmology in Nonlinear Multidimensional Gravity with Multiple Factor Spaces2018/04/01English
Schwarzschild–Kerr Gravitational Deflection of Potentially Hazardous Space Objects from Their Classical Orbits2018/04/01English
Cosmological Exact Solutions in Some Modified Gravitational Theories2018/04/01English
Bianchi Type-I Dust-Filled Accelerating Brans–Dicke Cosmology2018/04/01English
Is the Hubble Constant Scale-Dependent?2018/04/01English
Axially Symmetric Solution of the Weyl–Dirac Theory of Gravitation and the Problem of Rotation Curves of Galaxies2018/04/01English
On Explanations of Magnetic Fields of Astrophysical Objects in the Geometric and Relational Approaches2018/04/01English
The Charge in a Lift. A Covariance Problem2018/04/01English
Induced Nonlinearities of the Scalar Field and Wormholes in the Metric-Affine Theory of Gravity2018/04/01English
DE-DM Unification Based on Space-Time Symmetry2018/04/01English
A Macroscopic View of the Standard Cosmological Model2018/04/01English
Exact Cosmological Models with Yang–Mills Fields on Lyra Manifold2018/04/01English
Analysis of Half-Spin Particle Motion in Kerr–Newman Field by Means of Effective Potentials in Second-Order Equations2018/04/01English
On wormholes with long throats and the stability problem2017/07/01English
A cosmological inflationary model using optimal control2017/07/01English
Dark energy or local acceleration?2017/07/01English
Radial infall into a black hole in R 2 gravity2017/07/01English
A thin dust shell falling to a Reissner-Nordström black hole as seen by a freely falling observer2017/07/01English
Cosmological acceleration from a scalar field and classical and quantum gravitational waves (Inflation and dark energy)2017/07/01English
Emergence of anti-F(R) gravity in type-IV bouncing cosmology as due to M 0-brane2017/07/01English
Intrinsic time in Wheeler–DeWitt conformal superspace2017/07/01English
Motion in a central field with account of dark matter2017/07/01English
Qualitative and numerical analysis of a cosmological model based on a phantom scalar field with self-interaction2017/07/01English
Analysis of half-spin particle motion in Reissner–Nordström and Schwarzschild fields by the method of effective potentials2017/07/01English