Gravitation and Cosmology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Revaluation of Mbelek and Lachièze-Rey scalar-tensor theory of gravitation to explain the measured forces in asymmetric resonant cavities2017/07/01English
Einstein equations with fluctuating volume2017/07/01English
Constraints on scalar coupling to electromagnetism2017/04/01English
Gravitational action and gravitational energy2010/04/01English
A note on pathria’s model of the universe as a black hole2010/04/01English
Orthogonal representation of complex numbers2010/04/01English
On anisotropic Gauss-Bonnet cosmologies in (n + 1) dimensions, governed by an n-dimensional Finslerian 4-metric2010/04/01English
Quantum effects near the big rip revisited2010/04/01English
Fomin’s conception of quantum cosmogenesis2010/04/01English
Spinor field with induced nonlinearity in Bianchi VI cosmology: Exact and numerical solutions2010/04/01English
Spontaneous symmetry breaking for long-wave gravitons in the early Universe2010/04/01English
Zel’dovich states with very small mass and charge in nonlinear electrodynamics coupled to gravity2010/04/01English
Vacuum polarization by a scalar field in de Sitter spacetime in the presence of a global monopole2010/04/01English
Collapse dynamics of a star of dark matter and dark energy2010/04/01English
On the present value of the scale factor in the relativistic theory of gravitation2010/04/01English
Scalar-isovector δ meson in the relativistic mean field theory and the structure of neutron stars with a quark core2009/01/01English
Gravitational radiospectrometer2009/01/01English
On the uniqueness problem for the metric of the first approximation in general-relativistic mechanics2009/01/01English
High-order multidimensional gravity and inflation2009/01/01English
Active galactic nuclei and transformation of dark matter into visible matter2009/01/01English
Bianchi-I cosmologies with magnetic and spinor fields2009/01/01English
On the description of Lorentz reference frames in a relational model of space-time2009/01/01English
On the billiard approach in multidimensional cosmological models2009/01/01English
Planck’s constant variation as a cosmological evolution test for the early universe2009/01/01English
Nonminimal electrodynamics and resonance interactions in a relativistic plasma2009/01/01English
Dynamical renormalization group methods in theory of eternal inflation2009/01/01English
Quantum model of geometric extension2009/01/01English
Tachyon potential in bianchi type-V universe2012/01/01English
Extended axion electrodynamics: Optical activity induced by nonstationary dark matter2012/01/01English
On stepwise dimensional reduction in Kaluza-Klein models2012/01/01English