Gravitation and Cosmology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Macroscopic Einstein equations for a cosmological model with a λ term2016/07/01English
Modal series expansions for plane gravitational waves2016/07/01English
Excessive extrapolations in cosmology2016/07/01English
On exponential solutions in the Einstein–Gauss–Bonnet cosmology, stability and variation of G2016/07/01English
Can gravity distinguish between Dirac and Majorana neutrinos?2016/07/01English
Inflationary scenario in Bianchi Type V space-time for a barotropic fluid distribution with variable bulk viscosity and vacuum energy density2016/10/01English
A need to return to space project SEE for measuring G and its possible variations2016/10/01English
A search for observational manifestations of de Sitter relativity2016/10/01English
On nonlinear multidimensional gravity and the Casimir effect2016/10/01English
Opto-acoustical gravitational bar detector with cryogenic mirrors2016/10/01English
Alternative interpretation of the 1D-box solution and the Bargmann theorem2016/10/01English
An AP structure with Finslerian Flavor: Path equations2016/10/01English
Equation of state for cosmological fluids: Direct dynamical derivation2016/10/01English
A class of solutions under GUP for a harmonic oscillator and a particle in a box2016/10/01English
The hydrogen atom allowing for gravity2016/10/01English
Scalar field with the source in the form of the stress-energy tensor trace as a dark energy model2016/10/01English
On the equivalence of approximate stationary axially symmetric solutions of the Einstein field equations2016/10/01English
Three kinds of particles on a single rationally parameterized world line2016/10/01English
ΛCDM type Heckmann–Schuking model and Union 2.1 compilation2016/10/01English
On Particle Collisions in the Vicinity of Charged Black Holes2024/03/01English
Noncanonical Domain Wall as a Unified Model of Dark Energy and Dark Matter: I. Cosmic Dynamics2024/03/01English
Biquaternionic Analysis, Cyclic Quaternionic Fields, and Generalization of the Kerr–Penrose Theorem2024/03/01English
Quantum Schwarzschild Black Hole Optical Aspects2024/03/01English
Formation of Supermassive Nuclei of Black Holes in the Early Universe by the Mechanism of Scalar-Gravitational Instability. II. Evolution of Localized Spherical Perturbations$${}^{\mathbf{1}}$$2024/03/01English
Deformed Lorentz Symmetry and Corresponding Geometry in Ultra-High Energy Astrophysics2024/03/01English
The Extended Einstein–Maxwell-Aether-Axion Theory: Effective Metric as an Instrument of the Aetheric Control over the Axion Dynamics2024/03/01English
On the Accelerated Expansion of the Universe2024/03/01English
Dynamics of Modified Rényi Holographic Dark Energy in Sáez–Ballester Theory of Gravitation2024/03/01English
Stability of Asymptotically Flat $$\mathbf{(2+1)}$$-Dimensional Black Holes with Gauss–Bonnet Corrections2024/03/01English
Cosmography of $$\boldsymbol{f(R,T)}$$ Gravity2024/03/01English