Learning, Media and Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Facebook, social integration and informal learning at university: ‘It is more for socialising and talking to friends about work than for actually doing work’2009/06/01English433
Pandemic politics, pedagogies and practices: digital technologies and distance education during the coronavirus emergency2020/04/02English326
Faceworking: exploring students' education‐related use of Facebook2009/06/01English305
Technology-enhanced learning and teaching in higher education: what is ‘enhanced’ and how do we know? A critical literature review2013/02/20English267
Social media and education: reconceptualizing the boundaries of formal and informal learning2015/07/16English234
Parental mediation of children’s videogame playing: a comparison of the reports by parents and children2006/06/01English188
Informal learning and identity formation in online social networks2009/06/01English163
Developing scales to measure parental mediation of young children's internet use2013/03/25English158
The learning environment in clicker classrooms: student processes of learning and involvement in large university‐level courses using student response systems2007/02/15English150
Digital literacy and informal learning environments: an introduction2013/04/25English146
What's the matter with ‘technology-enhanced learning’?2014/05/13English124
Using games and simulations for supporting learning2006/12/01English115
Data entry: towards the critical study of digital data and education2014/05/28English114
The effects of teacher self‐disclosure viaFacebookon teacher credibility2009/06/01English111
Culturally responsive computing: a theory revisited2014/06/12English96
Unpacking MOOC scholarly discourse: a review of nascent MOOC scholarship2014/01/22English96
Editorial: the datafication of education2019/01/02English94
Reviewing the literature on interactive whiteboards2007/08/08English93
Incidental foreign language acquisition from media exposure2010/03/01English90
The datafication of discipline: ClassDojo, surveillance and a performative classroom culture2018/12/14English82
Using wikis to promote quality learning in teacher training2009/03/01English82
Artificial intelligence and education in China2020/04/16English81
From SuperGoo to Scratch: exploring creative digital media production in informal learning2007/05/11English80
Historical threads, missing links, and future directions in AI in education2020/07/02English77
Minding our language: why education and technology is full of bullshit … and what might be done about it2015/04/22English73
Vibrant student voices: exploring effects of the use of clickers in large college courses2008/12/01English73
Facial recognition technology in schools: critical questions and concerns2019/11/05English73
Machine behaviourism: future visions of ‘learnification’ and ‘datafication’ across humans and digital technologies2019/06/10English72
What’s next for Ed-Tech? Critical hopes and concerns for the 2020s2019/11/19English71
Decoding ClassDojo: psycho-policy, social-emotional learning and persuasive educational technologies2017/01/16English69