Learning, Media and Technology

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Digital literacies2014/09/23English
Designing digital experiences for positive youth development: from playpen to playground2013/05/07English
Youth cultures, media practices and citizenship: really useful knowledge?2015/06/29English
Disabled children and digital technologies: learning in the context of inclusive education2021/09/12English
Mediated crossroads: identity, youth culture and ethnicity – theoretical and methodological challenges2011/03/01English
Digital images and the z‐axis2010/09/01English
Differing gender preferences for educational media among Thai students studying English at university2011/04/27English
Editorial Board2013/10/14English
The internet: an introduction to new media2011/07/13English
Carnival visions: digital creativity in teacher education2006/03/01English
BOOK REVIEWS2005/10/01English
BOOK REVIEWS2008/03/01English
Disruptive fixation: school reform and the pitfalls of techno-idealism2017/07/24English
Children usingFacebook: teachers’ discursive constructions of childhood2017/03/24English
Editorial board2016/10/01English
‘Someone else in the universe is trying to teach you’: teachers’ experiences with platformized instruction2024/04/07English
‘We have- we had a digital debt’: a case of digitalized school leadership practice2024/01/04English
An exploration of human and platform intra-actions in a digital teaching and learning environment2023/11/22English
Digital compliance or professional competence? Representations of teachers and digital futures in the Norwegian Qualification Framework2023/11/23English
Tell me a story: a framework for critically investigating AI language models2024/03/12English
Edtech platforms from below: a family ethnography of marginalized communities and their digital learning post-pandemic2024/03/12English
Mapping the imaginary of Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) in education: the case of Botswana2024/01/23English
Consulting the CDC and TikTok: asynchronous modes of joint media engagement for COVID-19 learning in families2023/07/13English
Homo medialiteratus and the media literacy proxy war: mapping the U.S. response to digital dismisinfo2023/07/13English
‘We are not cheating. We are helping each other out:’ digital collective cheating in secondary education2023/06/16English
Education as a co-developed commodity in Finland? A rhetorical discourse analysis on business accelerator for EdTech startups2023/08/29English
The epistemic machinery of educational platforms2023/08/30English
Towards global and local histories of educational technologies: introduction2023/08/26English
Socio-technically just pedagogies: a framework for curriculum-making in higher education2023/08/26English