Language Awareness

Title Publication Date Language Citations
English teachers’ language awareness: away with the monolingual bias?2017/10/02English45
Multilingual awareness and heritage language education: children's multimodal representations of their multilingualism2015/07/03English43
Metalanguage in Focus on Form in the Communicative Classroom2002/04/01English42
Developing morphological awareness across languages: translanguaging pedagogies in third language acquisition2019/11/11English41
Evaluating the Use of Corpus-based Instruction in a Language Teacher Education Context: Perspectives from the Users2008/01/01English39
What makes pronunciation teaching work? Testing for the effect of two variables: socially constructed metalanguage and critical listening2011/08/01English39
Learning Autonomously: Contextualising Out-of-class English Language Learning2004/10/01English38
The Ethnic Group Affiliation and L2 Proficiency Link: Empirical Evidence2008/07/11English38
The Uses and Representations of Local Languages in Tourist Destinations: A View from British TV Holiday Programmes2003/03/01English35
Knotted and Entangled: New Light on the Identification, Classification and Value of Language Related Episodes in Collaborative Output Tasks2001/11/01English35
A Study of Intonation Awareness and Learning in Non-native Speakers of English2006/08/15English34
Examining the Interface between Metalinguistic Task Performance and Oral Production in a Second Language2002/12/01English34
Developing Interactional Awareness in the Second Language Classroom Through Teacher Self-evaluation2003/06/01English34
Raising L2 listeners’ metacognitive awareness: a sociocultural theory perspective2010/12/21English34
Multilingualism and Language Attitudes: Local Versus Immigrant Students' Perceptions2008/10/02English33
Awareness of L1/L2 differences: does it matter?2010/08/03English33
Trainee Teachers' Grammatical Knowledge: The Tension Between Public Expectation and Individual Competence2002/11/01English33
Strategies and performance in intentional L2 vocabulary learning2009/06/11English32
Consciousness in second language acquisition: A review of field studies and laboratory experiments1995/01/01English32
Effect of task-inherent production modes on EFL learners' focus on form2009/10/21English31
Self-awareness in NNS EFL Primary and Secondary School Teachers2003/07/01English31
Error Correction: Students’ Versus Teachers’ Perceptions2005/05/15English31
Developmental Differences in Speech Act Recognition: A Pragmatic Awareness Study2004/06/01English30
Making the Most of Metalanguage2005/02/15English30
Two Standards: One for the Media and One for the School2001/06/01English30
A Satellite View of Language: Some Lessons from Science Classrooms1998/06/01English30
An Examination of the Relationship between Metalinguistic Awareness and Second-language Proficiency of Adult Learners of French2001/12/01English30
Comparing Second Language Learners' Attention to Form Across Tasks1998/09/01English29
CLIL students' perceptions of their language learning process: delving into self-perceived improvement and instructional preferences2016/01/06English28
The sociolinguistics of variety identification and categorisation: free classification of varieties of spoken English amongst non-linguist listeners2015/04/03English28