Language Awareness

Title Publication Date Language Citations
The Relationship between Metalinguistic Knowledge and Learning Outcomes among Undergraduate Students of Chinese2004/10/01English28
The role of radical awareness in Chinese-as-a-second-language learners’ Chinese character reading development2017/07/03English27
Perceptions of Refusals to Invitations: Exploring the Minds of Foreign Language Learners2008/07/11English27
Perception of Learner Proficiency: Its Impact on the Interaction Between an ESL Learner and Her Higher and Lower Proficiency Partners2008/06/16English27
Cognate awareness -raising in late childhood: teachable and useful2012/02/01English27
Raising language awareness in peer interaction: a cross-context, cross-methodology examination2012/02/01English27
Language awareness as methodology: Implications for teachers and teacher training1994/01/01English27
'All These Like Little Name Things': A Comparative Study of Language Teachers' Explicit Knowledge of Grammar and Grammatical Terminology1999/07/01English26
The metalinguistic knowledge of undergraduate students of English language or linguistics2013/11/01English26
Conceptualisations of ‘grammar teaching’: L1 English teachers’ beliefs about teaching grammar for writing2013/08/20English26
The acquisition of sociolinguistic evaluations among Polish-born adolescents learning English: evidence from perception2010/12/21English26
Vocabulary learning and teaching beliefs of pre-service and in-service teachers in Hong Kong and mainland China2011/11/01English26
Mediating between scientific and spontaneous concepts through languaging2010/08/03English26
Explicit contrastive instruction facilitates the acquisition of difficult L2 forms1996/01/01English26
TheHis/HerChallenge: Making Progress in a ‘Regular’ L2 Programme2007/11/15English25
The status of metalinguistic knowledge in instructed adult L2 learning2009/08/03English25
Using Diaries to Promote Metalinguistic Reflection among Elementary School Students2004/03/01English24
Language Awareness research: where we are now2015/12/28English24
Web-based Curriculum for Pragmatics Instruction in Japanese as a Foreign Language: An Explicit Awareness-raising Approach2007/02/15English24
From 'Muteness' to Eloquence: Immigrants' Narratives about Languages2003/03/01English24
Implementing collaborative writing in teacher-centered classroom contexts: student beliefs and perceptions2019/10/02English24
Metalinguistic Knowledge in L2 Task Performance: A Verbal Protocol Analysis2006/08/15English23
Critical Language Awareness: Key Principles for a Course in Critical Reading1999/04/01English23
Training 8-Year-Old French Immersion Students in Metalinguistic Analysis: An Innovation in Form-focused Pedagogy2008/01/01English23
Increasing language awareness and self-efficacy of FL students using self-assessment and the ACTFL proficiency guidelines2015/10/02English23
Discourse perspectives on formal instruction1992/01/01English23
Metaphonological awareness in multilinguals: a case of L3 Polish2014/03/14English23
Applying cognitive linguistics to teaching the Spanish prepositionsporandpara2009/06/11English22
The Effects of Processing Instruction and its Components on the Acquisition of Gender Agreement in Italian2004/06/01English21
Language Ideologies and Bilingual Education: A Korean-American Perspective2007/05/15English21