Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education

Title Publication Date Language Citations
Turning Points: Using Teachers’ Mathematics Life Stories to Understand the Implementation of Mathematics Education Reform2006/11/25English52
Using video for professional development: the role of the discussion facilitator2012/09/07English51
A sociocultural analysis of the development of pre-service and beginning teachers? pedagogical identities as users of technology2005/02/01English51
What Constitutes Good Mathematics Teaching and How it Develops: Nine High School Teachers’ Perspectives2005/04/01English50
Prospective teacher beliefs about liberative and oppressive mathematics teaching practices: a first step toward equitable instruction2011/12/20English49
Characterizing pivotal teaching moments in beginning mathematics teachers’ practice2012/07/25English48
Learned adaptations: Teachers’ understanding and use of curriculum resources2011/02/08English48
Prospective teacher learning: recognizing evidence of conceptual understanding2012/02/07English47
Taken-as-shared: a review of common assumptions about mathematical tasks in teacher education2007/12/01English47
Pedagogies of practice and opportunities to learn about classroom mathematics discussions2014/12/18English46
Sixth grade mathematics teachers’ intentions and use of probing, guiding, and factual questions2008/01/30English46
Prospective primary teachers’ noticing of students’ understanding of pattern generalization2016/01/29English45
Extending students’ mathematical thinking during whole-group discussions2011/03/08English45
The effect of video-based approach on prospective teachers’ ability to analyze mathematics teaching2009/12/19English45
“Mathematical knowledge for teaching”: adapting U.S. measures for use in Ireland2008/01/19English45
Analyzing Mathematical Tasks: A Catalyst for Change?2005/12/01English44
Hearing Students: The Complexity of Understanding What they are Saying, Showing, and Doing2005/10/01English43
Preservice teachers’ knowledge of proof by mathematical induction2007/06/16English42
Research on mathematics teachers as partners in task design2016/03/08English40
Using critical incident reflections: a self-study as a mathematics teacher educator2006/06/03English40
Social and analytic scaffolding in middle school mathematics: managing the dilemma of telling2009/09/03English40
Supporting teachers in structuring mathematics lessons involving challenging tasks2014/04/26English40
Teachers’ Discussions Of Students’ Thinking: Meeting The Challenge Of Attending To Students’ Thinking2005/04/01English39
Dispelling the notion of inconsistencies in teachers’ mathematics beliefs and practices: A 3-year case study2014/04/06English39
Teachers’ professional growth through engagement with lesson study2015/12/11English39
Contextualising the notion of ‘belief enactment’2008/11/26English39
Towards a Model for Teacher Professional Development in China: Introducing Keli2006/06/03English39
Video as a tool for focusing teacher self-reflection: supporting and provoking teacher learning2017/08/23English39
Assessing pre-service teachers’ skills for analyzing teaching2006/11/24English38
The design of tasks in support of teachers’ development of coherent mathematical meanings2007/11/27English37